Remarks: Large fragment of leg wearing greave painted gold & brown-black,decorated with a painted white spiral, edged in red, alongside a vertical white band; broken from plaque. Inside curved, finished with hand
Bibliography: Phillips 1989a, p. 297, Group IID, no. 1, fig. 14, pl. VI.1 right; pp. 300-301, associated with Temple of Castor & Pollux 484 B.C.
Publication record: The architectural terracottas. Author: Phillips, K.M., Jr.. Journal and volume number: Lacus Iuturnae I, ed. M. Steinby. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1989. Pages: 277-302
Associated elements: 39379
Type of decoration: Leg wearing greave decorated with spiral
Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium forense
Mouldmade: no
Height: 15.8
Width: 12.6
Clay: 2.5Y 7/4 = 39379
Paint: White slip 2.5Y 8/2, red 10R 4/6, brown-black 5YR 4/2, gold 10YR 5/6
Condition: Broken on all sides, but with straight vertical break at right side