CAVI Lemma: Fr. of amphora (late proto-Attic){1}. From Athens, Agora F-G 12:1.
Unattributed. Third quarter seventh (Brann).
CAVI Subject: Upper part of a bearded male, perhaps a male siren (Brann); protome or siren
(Moore–Pease (1986)).
CAVI Inscriptions: From the back of the head amd along the back: Nυχτ̣οπαι̣δ̣ι̣ας, retr.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} from the neck. {2} the first two iotas given as short raised vertical
strokes in the sketch.
CAVI Comments: Brann read νυχι̣οπ̣αι̣δ̣ι̣ας; so also Ag. 23{2}. I assume that Nυχτο- is for
Nυκτο-, but the name, if it is a name, remains unexplained. A bearded male siren
appears on an Attic fr. from Izmir: BSA 53-54 (1958-59, 163/6; parallels).
Four-stroke sigma, reversed and with curved hastae.