3247, Caere, Vigna Parrocchiale
- Record number: 3247
- Site: Caere
- Building or zone: Vigna Parrocchiale
- Roof element: Acroteria, cutout
- Comparanda: Cerveteri CNR 83.67
- Remarks: Volute equal to inv. 83.67. Concave on both faces with depression. Scar from missing element on both outer edges.
- Type of decoration: Volute
- Last Recorded Collection: C.N.R. storerooms at Banditaccia necropolis
- Mouldmade: no
- Height: 14.3
- Width: 10.5
- MPD: 8
- Clay: 5YR 6/6
- Paint: 2.5YR 4/4. Depression painted black, edges white, top and inner edge painted red-brown with cleft down center.
Last updated 10/09/2012 15:07:00 by Nancy Winter. Created 09/07/2012 11:12:00 by Nancy Winter. Approved by Nancy Winter. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/672759EA-CDF7-406A-A15F-A5EC12A9FE55