Remarks: Raking sima with tall strigils/ roll/ painted meander. Narrower, shorter strigils, channel for cresting set back from projecting fascia. Flange at finished left side. H channel for cresting 3.7, D 3.5, + walls 8.5. H projecting fascia 2, D projection 2.5, Total D 12. W black interstices 1.5, D 12/ 5.5. D strigils top 13, bottom 6.5. D roll 6.7, with painted diagonal black/white/red bands.Th flat fascia 4.5, with painted meander. Flange projecting from back of plaque W 2.5, Th 1.3.
Type of decoration: Tall strigils/roll with painted diagonal bands/painted meander