Last Recorded Collection: New York (N.Y.), Zoullas Collection
Previous Collections:
London, market, Sotheby's
Texas, Hunt Collection: 9
New York (N.Y.), market, Sotheby's
Publication Record: Ancient World: 15 (1987), 64, FIGS.5-6 (A, B) Bentz, M., Panathenäische Preisamphoren, Eine athenische Vasengattung und ihre Funktion vom 6.-4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. 18. Beih. zur Antiken Kunst (Basel, 1998): PL.43.5010 (B) Coulson, W.D.E. et al. (eds.), The Archaeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy (Oxford, 1994): 155, FIG.5 (A, B) Herrmann, J. and Kondoleon, C., (eds.), Games for the Gods, The Greek Athlete and the Olympic Spirit (Boston, 2004): 14, NO.32 (COLOUR OF B) Neils, J. et al., Goddess and Polis, The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens (Princeton, 1992): 36, 175, NO.46 (A, B) PHOTOGRAPH(S) IN THE BEAZLEY ARCHIVE: 13 Sotheby's, The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection, New York, 19.6.1990 (New York, 1990): NO.9 (A, B, PART) Sotheby, sale catalogue: 13-14.12.1982, 64-65, NO.221 (COLOUR OF A, B) Steinhart, M., Die Kunst der Nachahmung (Mainz, 2004): PL.3.1 (B) Wealth of the Ancient World, the Hunt Collections (Fort Worth, 1983): 66-67, NO.9 (A, B)
CAVI Collection: New York, Nicholas S. Zoullas.
CAVI Lemma: BF Panathenaic prize amphora. Kleophrades Painter. First quarter fifth. Ca.
490 (Neils).
CAVI Subject: A: Athena. B: hoplitodromoi?(1) In the center, a man with two shields; at
left, a man (judge? trainer?); at right, a crouching man with a shield. All are
CAVI Inscriptions: A: to right of the left column: τον Αθενεθεν αθλον. vac. 1.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Bothmer interpreted B as the pyrrhiche; Reed, as euandria contest;
Tiverios, as preparatory for the hoplitodromos, with Neils agreeing.
CAVI Comments: Ex London Market, Sotheby. Ex Fort Worth, Nelson Bunker Hunt. Ex New York
Market, Sotheby. Now New York, Zoullas Collection. Strong lettering.
CAVI Number: 5765
AVI Bibliography: BADB 8574. ? Sotheby (1982a), 64/231. ? Cody (1983), 66/9 (ill., two inscriptions). ? Reed (1987), 61, 64, figs. 5-6. ? Tiverios (1987?90),288-91, fig. 3. ? Sotheby (1990a), No. 9 (A, B, part). ? Neils (1992a), 175/46,figs. on p. 36 (B) and p. 175 (A); see also [[Neils (1992),]] 35-36 and nn.; 200n. 28. ? M. Bentz (1998), 139/5.101, cf. p. 234, pl. 43 (B).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)