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239, Caere

  • Record number: 239
  • Site: Caere
  • Position: Eaves
  • Roof element: Antefixes, heads
  • Comparanda: 10 similar examples known with H 43-49.5 cm: Vatican 13978; Copenhagen NCG, HIN 70 (H. 250), London BM, 1893 (B621), 1863 (B622), Philadelphia, University Museum MS 1802, MS 1803, MS 1826, New York MMA GR 1040
  • Remarks: Antefix with female head wearing diadem, large earrings, drapery, surrounded by floral shell with 3 upright palmettes alternating with 2 lotus flowers. Wears diadem with discs, very large earrings and drapery. Shell has 3 palmettes of 7 leaves alternating with 2 lotus flowers in relief, linked by bands forming double volutes below palmettes.
  • Bibliography: Poulsen 1966, p. 46; Andrén 1940, pp. 57-58, No. IV:6; Riis 1981, pp. 27 & 31, 18 B, Pl. II; Christiansen & Winter 2010, pp. 108-109, no. 49
  • Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940
    Etruria I. Architectural terracottas and painted wall plaques, pinakes c. 625-200 BC.Catalogue, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Author: Christiansen, J. & N.A. Winter. Place of publication: Copenhagen. Publication Date: 2010
    Etruscan types of heads. Author: Riis, P.J.. Place of publication: Copenhagen. Publication Date: 1981
    Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Den Etruskiske Samling. Author: Poulsen, V.. Place of publication: Copenhagen. Publication Date: 1966
    The Caprifico roof in its wider context. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: Il tempio arcaico di Caprifico di Torrecchia. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 2010. Pages: 113-122
  • Associated elements: Silen head antefixes HIN 68, HIN 69 (H. 248, H.249)
  • Type of decoration: Female head wearing diadem, large earrings, drapery/floral shell frame
  • Last Recorded Collection: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
  • Mouldmade: yes
  • Height: 47
  • Width: 48
  • Clay: 10YR 6/3-7/3
  • Paint: Cream 10YR 6/3, red 7.5R 5/6, dark red 5R 4/4, blue 7.5R 6/Ng/, gold 10YR 6/6
  • Condition: Fragments missing from edge and center of shell
  • Height face: 14
  • Distance outer eyes: 9

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