Last Recorded Collection: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F4017
CAVI Collection: Berlin 4017.
CAVI Lemma: A small bell. From Athens, near Hagia Triada, 189 (Furtw.).
Unattributed. Uncertain date. Late sixth (GAI). *Furtw
Beschreibung, no. 4017, pl. VII, fig. 235. Stamires and
Vanderpool, Hesp. 19 (1950) 385, n. 24. GAI i, 48 and 176.
Script 1153.
CAVI Subject: No figured decoration. A bespoken piece. NOT A VASE.
CAVI Inscriptions: On a reserved band bordered by raised plastic mouldings
are a row of double dots, and in BG, facing the handle on
top, is: [b] Αιαντιδω[/b] :* [b] ειμι[/b].
CAVI Comments: GAI wrongly calls it a kothon. For parallels see Agora 12,
p. 184, and for lists, ibid., n. 3. The two examples from
the Agora (1365-66, pl. 44) are there dated ca. 480; 1365
seems to be similar to the Berlin bell. Omega for omicron
upsilon. Aiantides: PA 289 (4th cent.); other reff. in LGPN
ii, but not ours. Attic alphabet. Omega = ou.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)