Comparanda: Replicas: Koch P218-226, 273-276, 6864; Berlin TC 7896; Frankfurt a.M., Historisches Museum (Bourguignon); Paris, Louvre, Campana 5172 (149), 297, S 1095 (M.I.9 -1855); London British Museum B591; Cairo, Musee Egyptien Cat. No. 26667
Remarks: Female head from antefix of Campanian type with head between lotus leaves, with palmette above. Diadem H 1.1 with red top edge and painted star-flower in red-brown. Koch 1912, Type Lotus B II. From the Chigi Collection
Bibliography: G. Pellegrini, "Siena-Museo Chigi, Terrecotte," Studi e Materiali di Arch. e Num. I, pp. 144-159, no. 9, Abb. 9 (Here connected to Caere example in Louvre: Martha, L'Art etrusque. P. 283, fig. 191)
Type of decoration: Female head in "Krobylos" hairdo
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 13.7
Width: 19.2
Clay: 5YR 5/4(?) with dark gray core
Paint: Diadem has red top edge and painted star-flower in red-brown. Red-brown hair 7.5R 3/2(?).