Comparanda: Koch 1912 P227-229, 231-233: Naples 21580, Frankfurt a.M.; Marseille, Musee Borely. For face & lotus frame, cf. M.A.I 156 which is larger
Remarks: Antefix plaque preserves female head wearing diadem, flanked by lotus leaves above concave discs, around which the double beaded strands of hair curl. Below, recessed bottom border with painted meander. On back, 3 raised ridges on plaque above cover tile. Back painted black directly on clay
Bibliography: Koch 1912, pp. 57-58; Serra 1934, pp. 5 & 13, second row, no. 1
Publication record: Dachterrakotten aus Campanien. Author: Koch, H.. Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1912 Il R. Museo Artistico Industriale di Roma. Author: Serra, L.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1934
Type of decoration: Female head wearing diadem framed by lotus
Last Recorded Collection: Museo dei Conservatori
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 34.5
Width: 32.5
MPD: 9
Clay: 5YR 5/6
Paint: Cream slip 10YR 8/4, red 7.5R 3/4 on alternating vertical bands on diadem & base line, ear outlines, necklace band, chiton edge & folds, round pendents, wavy horizontal band, meander base line & upright hooks, volute eye, black on diadem top & alternating wavy vertical lines on front, hair, lotus calyx center, disk inner & outer bands & rays, pendents on necklace, raised band on chiton top line of meander & pendent hooks