Comparanda: Phillips 1989a, p. 287: Antiquarium forense 1143, Antiquarium palatino 34345 & one with no inv. no.
Remarks: Fragment preserves a torus moulding from the base of a raking sima, pierced longitudinally (Diam hole 2.4-2.9), painted on the outer surface with a horizontal scale pattern. Formed from slab of clay rolled around a cane (Phillips)
Bibliography: Phillips 1989a, pp. 283-4, Group IIB, no. 1, fig. 5, pl. II.2-3; pp. 300-301, associated with Temple of Castor & Pollux 484 B.C.
Publication record: The architectural terracottas. Author: Phillips, K.M., Jr.. Journal and volume number: Lacus Iuturnae I, ed. M. Steinby. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1989. Pages: 277-302
Associated elements: 39711-39715
Type of decoration: Torus moulding with painted horizontal scale pattern
Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium forense
Mouldmade: no
Height: 8.2
Width: 8.5
MPD: 11.6
Clay: 2.5Y 7/4
Paint: White slip 2.5Y 8/2, brown ground 2.5YR 4/2, purple on underside 2.5YR 3/2
Condition: Broken at top of torus & beginning of tile backer