Remarks: Bottom half of Silen head antefix with shell frame. Beard in 3 superimposed layers of curled locks. Clay doesn't look Caeretan. On back hollowed behind nose and mouth; below, scar of cover tile with thick added clay underneath to bond to plaque.
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, p. 53, no. III:17; Cianferoni 1991, pp. 123-124, no. 41, fig. 54
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Materiali ceretani del Museo Archeologico di Firenze. Author: Cianferoni, G.C.. Journal and volume number: StMat 6. Publication Date: 1991. Pages: 100-134
Type of decoration: Silen head
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 17.2
Width: 17
MPD: 12.6
Clay: 10YR 7/3
Paint: Black beard and moustache. Red skin and band on encircling rounded band.