Remarks: Moulded relief plaque with winged female wearing polos and peplos belted below breasts, with 2 overfolds. Each hand holds forepaw of rampant pantheress. Hole for meniskos in polos. Strut on back, and flange at back end of cover tile. In lower edges of cover tile, 2 square cuttings, one on either side, to receive cross-pieces projecting from side edges of eaves tiles (tile stoppers). Nail hole in top of cover tile
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, p. 392, No. 3, Pl. 118:419; Helbig4 III, pp. 743-744, No. 2845
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Führer durch die öffentlichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertümer in Rome, Bd. 1-4. 4., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. Hrsg. Von H. Speier. Author: Helbig, W.. Place of publication: Tübingen. Publication Date: 1963-1972
Associated elements: 6636-6639, 6641-6643, 6645
Type of decoration: Potnia theron
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia