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480, ATHENIAN, Athens, National Museum, Athens, National Museum, CC688

  • Vase Number: 480
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: BLACK-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: LOUTROPHOROS
  • Date: -525 to -475
  • Attributed To: SAPPHO P by HASPELS
    Frieze below: CHARIOT RACE
  • Last Recorded Collection: Athens, National Museum: 450
  • Previous Collections:
    • Athens, National Museum: CC688
  • Publication Record: American Journal of Archaeology: 95 (1991), 640, FIGS.12-13 (A)
    Archaiologikon Deltion: 24.1 (1969), PL.125
    Arrington, N.T., Ashes, Images and Memories, The Presence of the War Dead in Fifth-Century Athens (Oxford, 2015): 31-32, FIGS.1.5A-B (A, B)
    Baumeister, A. (ed.), Denkmäler des klassischen Altertums, I-II (Munich, 1885-88): I, 306, FIG.321, III, 1975, FIG.2114 (DRAWINGS OF A, B)
    Boardman, J., Athenian Black Figure Vases (London, 1974): FIG.264.1, 2 (B)
    Brijder, H.A.G., Ancient Greek and Related Pottery, Proceedings of Vase Symposium (Amsterdam, 1984): 319, FIG.4A-B (NA, PART OF B)
    Cook, A., Zeus (Cambridge, 1914-40): 1056FF., FIG.912
    Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: ATHENS, MUSEE NATIONAL 1, III.H.EFGH.5-III.H.EFGH.6, PLS.(016,017) 8.1-2, 9.3 View Whole CVA Plates
    Daremberg, C. et Saglio, E., Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines, d'après les textes et les monuments (Paris, 1877-1919): (CONTINUED) (DRAWINGS OF A, B)
    Daremberg, C. et Saglio, E., Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines, d'après les textes et les monuments (Paris, 1877-1919): II, 1333, 1377, FIGS.3280, 3345, III, 1319, FIG.4561
    Haspels, C.H.E., Attic Black-figured Lekythoi (Paris, 1936): 115, 229.59
    Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts: 100 (1985) 44, FIG.10D (PART OF A)
    Journal of Hellenic Studies: 19 (1899), 219, FIG.4 (DRAWING OF N)
    Kaltsas, N. and Shapiro, A., Worshiping Women, Ritual and Reality in Classical Athens (Athens and New York, 2008): 344, NO.153 (COLOUR OF NA, NB, A, B AND FB)
    Kurtz, D. & Boardman, J., Greek Burial Customs (London, 1971): PL.36 (NA, B)
    Kurtz, D.C. and Boardman, J., Thanatos, Tod und Jenseits bei den Griechen (Mainz, 1985): 181 & 183, FIGS.55A-B (PARTS)
    Laxander, H., Individuum und Gemeinschaft im Fest, Untersuchungen zu attischen Darstellungen von Festgeschehen im 6. und frühen 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. (Münster, 2000): PLS.59-60 (A, B, NA)
    Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: VIII, 568, EIDOLA 12 (DRAWING OF NA)
    Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung: 16 (1891) 379 (DRAWING OF PART)
    Monumenti inediti pubblicati dall'Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (Rome, 1829-91): VIII, PLS.4, 5.1 (DRAWINGS OF A, B)
    Mösch-Klingele, R., Die loutrophoros im Hochzeits- und Begräbnisritual des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. in Athen, Echo 6 (Berne, 2006): FIG.45 (A)
    Oakley, J.H., A Guide to Scenes of Daily Life on Athenian Vases (Madison, 2020): 220, FIGS.10.6A-B (A, PART OF A)
    Peifer, E., Eidola und andere mit dem Sterben verbundene Flügelwesen in der attischen Vasenmalerei in spätarchaischer und klassischer Zeit (Frankfurt, 1989): PL.6.13, NO.76 (DRAWING)
    Stampolidis, N.C. et al. (eds.), Beyond. Death and Afterlife in Ancient Greece (Athens, 2014): 85, FIG.26 (COLOUR OF A, B, NA AND NB)
    Tsingarida, A. (ed.), Shapes and Uses of Greek Vases (7th-4th centuries B.C.), Proceedings of the Symposium held at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 27-29 April 2006 (Brussels, 2009): 300, FIG.9 (COLOUR OF NB)
    Tzachou-Alexandri, O., Mind and Body, Athletic Contests in Ancient Greece (Athens, 1988): 144-145, NO.34 (A, PART)
    Vermeule, E., Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry (Berkeley, 1979): 21, FIG.17 (B)
    Villanueva Puig, M-C. et al., Dossier, Des vases pour les Atheniens, VIe-IVe siecle avant notre ere. Metis 12 (2014): 187, FIG.7 (B)
    Voss, A. and Rowlandson, W. (eds.), Daimonic Imagination, Uncanny Intelligence (Newcastle, 2013): 34, FIG.2.9 (DRAWING OF NA)
    Zanker, P., Afterlives, Ancient Greek Funerary Monuments in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, 2021): 21, FIG.6 (COLOUR OF NA)
  • AVI Web:
  • AVI Record Number: 708
  • LIMC ID: 4149
  • LIMC Web:
  • CAVI Collection: Athens, N.M. 450.
  • CAVI Lemma: BF loutrophoros. From Pikrodaphni. Sappho Painter (Haspels, Kurtz–Boardman). Early fifth (?).
  • CAVI Subject: Neck: A: tumulus surmounted by large loutrophoros. On each side a woman. Small winged figure and a serpent; only traces remain. B: four women, two with offerings. Body: A: prothesis, with child, six women lamenting. At right, woman and man. B: entombment. Coffin lowered by four men. Three lamenting women. - Below: chariots to right.
  • CAVI Inscriptions: Neck, A: on a narrow band marked by incised lines that surround the tumulus, in applied white(2), is a long inscription now very hard to read: (a) Conze: ανδρος αποφθιμενοιο ρακος κακον ενθαδε κειμαι. (b) CC.: ανδρος γ........οιο(γ)αυ·κα·οιενθαδεκειμαι{3}. (c) Wolters: the dr. gives: ανδρος α(π) and εν(ο)ιο ϝα^ (.)(λ)ο and ο·οεκε ···{4}. (d) my attempt: α[1-2]ν̣δρος απ[.....]ε[2-3]ο(ι)ο[.?]πα[..]κα̣θ[1-2]{5}. Body, A: near mouth of one lamenting woman: ΟΙΑΡΟΙ.
  • CAVI Footnotes: {1} all previous illustrations derive from Mon. ined. viii, pl. 4, and are not always correct (CVA). {2} much white used on this side. {3} in capital letters; the second gammma Ionic! {4} first pi = upper half of an omicron. First bracketed omicron likewise. The `lambda' near 6 on the chart (Argive!). {5} the iota could be a kappa. {6} no longer visible (CVA); I did not see it (through glass).
  • CAVI Comments: The vase has no bottom. I wonder if Conze's reading is not a reconstruction. ανδρος αποφθιμενοιο seems reasonable, the rest cannot now be read. Wolters refers to A. Brückner (1891), 197 for the reading; he himself says the inscription is illegible. - On p. 96, Haspels speaks of `the doubtful case of the inscription read by Conze on the loutrophoros in Athens', adding that a different reading is given by ==>>Engelmann, OJh 8, p. 154, n. 5 [which I do not have]. On pp. 115-16, Haspels mentions the inscription, saying that only part now remains; the letters were painted in added white on the outer zone of the tumulus, a zone marked off by an incised line running parallel to the outline; apart from this zone the tumulus was all covered with white, now nearly all vanished, over the black, and on the white were incised figures, a large snake on the ground and little winged psychai. - Mommsen cites [Conze's] text attributing it to Collignon-Couve; she also cf. A.B. Cook (1925), 1057f. She also cites the reading in the prothesis scene, from the mouth of one of the women: ΟΙΑΡΟΙ, which she says is today no longer visible. Neither inscription individualizes the funeral.
  • CAVI Number: 0708
  • AVI Bibliography: Conze (1864), 189, with drs. MonIned 8, pls. 4f. — Wolters (1891), 379/11 (dr. of inscription). — Collignon–Couve (1902–4), no. 688, pl. 30 (much bibl.). — Zschietzschmann (1928), 40/44. — K. Rhomaios, CVA Athens 1, Greece 1 (1930), II H, pls. 8, 1 and 2; 9, 3{1}. — Haspels (1936), 96, 113, *115-16, 229/59 (attrib.; bibl.). — Kurtz–Boardman (1971), 149, fig. 36 (photos). — Kaibel (1978), no. 1134. — CEG (1983–9), i, no. 438. — Kurtz (1984), 319, figs. 4,a-b. — Shapiro (1991), 640, figs. 12-13. — Threatte (1996), 627. — H. Mommsen (1997a), 23 and nn. 187-88; 69/27 (bibl.).
  • CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
  • Pleiades URI:
  • Coordinates: 37.937309,23.706248
  • Pleiades Coordinates: 37.937309,23.706248
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