Comparanda: Soffit decoration similar to Satricum Etrusco-Ionian roof. See Winter 2009a, Ill. 6.22.1
Remarks: Eaves tile with painted white top surface, painted soffit with lotus and palmette design partially preserved. Burned.
Last Recorded Collection: C.N.R. storerooms at Banditaccia necropolis
Mouldmade: no
Width: 10.3
MPD: 10.2
Clay: 2.5YR 5/4
Paint: White ground 10YR 7/2. Wide brown volute outline 10YR 6/3, dark brown petal 10YR 4/2 with brown outline 10YR 6/3, brown petal with dark brown outline.
Soffit decoration type: Soffit decorated with palmette.
Thickness tile: 2.7
Soffit decoration type: Soffit decorated with palmette.