CAVI Lemma: RF Nolan amphora From Nola. Achilles Painter. Mid-fifth. Ca. 450. 450-445
CAVI Subject: A: warrior setting out. B: man.
CAVI Inscriptions: A: to left of head: Αλκαιος, retr. B: to left and right of head: κ(α)λος.
Under foot, Gr.: ΚΠ; see pp. 14 with n. 30, and 15, chart 5. Oakley thinks, pi
is for poikilos, as first suggested by Beazley, see below; See also Johnston
(1979), 102/16B 25. — D] Misfired red; the pattern bands are not by the Achilles
Painter (Oakley). The inscriptions on A and B go together. Note difference in
alphabet (alpha and lambda) in A and B. For the Gr., Beazley (1967), 143,
suggested κ[αδος] (or the like) π[οικιλος]; see Johnston (1979), 197 and cf.
London E 380. D] The inscriptions on A and B go together. Note difference in
alphabet (alpha and lambda) in A and B. For the Gr., Beazley (1967), 143,
suggested κ[αδος] (or the like) π[οικιλος]; see Johnston (1979), 197 and cf.
London E 380.