CAVI Lemma: RF pyxis with lid. Long-Chin Group. Third quarter fifth. End of fifth (Böhr).
CAVI Subject: Lid: top: woman's head. Sides: a seated woman; palmette; a woman running;
palmette; a seated woman; palmette.
CAVI Inscriptions: Sides: to left of the first seated woman (who faces right), at head height:
[κ](α)(λ)ος. To left of a running woman, at head height: (κ)(α)λος{1}. To right
of her chin: κ(λ)ο{2}. To left of the head of the third woman (who faces right),
Gr.: ιν{3}. To right of her upper body, Dip.: ιμ{4}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} extremely sloppy; the first two letters are hardly formed. {2} no doubt
καλος or intended for it. {3} Böhr does not recognize that this is part of the
common Etruscan Gr. suthina, retr., although she refers to that Gr. on the
stamnos Louvre G 415, q.v., ARV[2] 1070/2. Read: [suth]^in[a], retr.
(interrupted by the head). {4} clearly incomplete; nonsense? Böhr suggests,
perhaps ειμι.
CAVI Comments: = S./10 1257. Ex Arndt collection. The condition of the sides is very poor.
Very sloppy writing. Done from the facss. Probably Ionic alphabet.
CAVI Number: 7790
AVI Bibliography: Watzinger (1924), 53, pl. 36. — A. Greifenhagen, CVA Bonn 1, Germany 1
(1938), 29, on pl. 27,4-5. — Karouzos (1951), 100 n. 13. — ARV[2] (1963),
1222/3. — E. Böhr, CVA Tübingen 4, Germany 52 (1984), pls. 46,1-4 and 52,11 (Ph.
of Gr.), fig. 33 (profile); pp. 100-101, facss. of Dipp.; p. 101, facs. of Gr. —
Add.[2] (1989), 349.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
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