CAVI Subject: A: upper body: symposium: three couches with two bearded men reclining on
each. B: in the center, a woman to left, stirring in a kettle, with fire
beneath; at left and right, each, two bearded dancers; at the extreme left, a
CAVI Inscriptions: Nonsense: A: at the extreme right, vertically down: γτοε(κ)ο{1}. B: to right
of the flautist, an inscription{2}. Above the left portion of the kettle,
bending down at left: ατο(α)ε(μ)χτ, retr.{3}. Betweeen the dancers at right,
vertically down: γεο(π)χμ{4}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} partly kionedon. Kappa S 1 in chart in AttScr? {1} so the text; not
illustrated. {3} the second alpha: alpha 10? {4} nearly kionedon. Pi S 5?
CAVI Comments: The lettering is odd and the letters are not clearly oriented. Soome
identifications are quite doubtful. The phs. are excellent.
CAVI Number: 2536b
AVI Bibliography: Kunisch (1984), 14, figs. 8-9. — U. Pfeifer (1989), 42/14 (A), fig. 1 (detail
of A with inscription) and fig. 3 (detail of B with 2 inscriptions).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)