Remarks: Painted revetment plaque preserving side edge and part of side cut at 45 degree angle. Large tile backer. On edge decorated with vertical stripes in black, white, red. On front are 3 horizontal bands in black, white, red, below which are 3 palmettes and 3 lotus (with half-flowers on the ends). Below are 3 horizontal bands painted in red, white, black.
Bibliography: Zamarchi Grassi 1995, p. 58-59, no.. 24, Pl. XI
Publication record: Castiglion Fiorentino. Un nuovo centro etrusco. Catalogo della mostra. Author: Zamarchi Grassi, P.. Place of publication: Castiglion Fiorentino. Publication Date: 1995
Type of decoration: Palmette & lotus
Last Recorded Collection: Palazzo Pretorio
Mouldmade: no
Height: 34
Width: 80
MPD: 3.8
Clay: 5YR 7/4
Paint: Black, red, white.
Condition: Restored from 12 fragments, missing full height