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1814, Capua, Le Curti

  • Record number: 1814
  • Site: Capua
  • Building or zone: Le Curti
  • Position: Eaves
  • Roof element: Antefixes, full figure
  • Comparanda: TC 7288; London BM B599
  • Remarks: Antefix plaque moulded in relief with running, winged figure with frontal head & upper torso, legs in profile to left, wearing winged boots & short tunic, surrounded by strigil frame overlapped by head. Hair falls in 3 long strands over front of chest. Raised right arm, lowered left arm. Raised bottom border. Cover tile attached to bottom of flat plaque on back.
  • Bibliography: Koch 1912, pp. 49-50, Type B.II, P.297
  • Publication record: Dachterrakotten aus Campanien. Author: Koch, H.. Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1912
  • Type of decoration: Running winged figure (Gorgon/Harpy)
  • Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
  • Mouldmade: yes
  • Height: 20.7
  • Width: 20
  • MPD: 8.4
  • Condition: Missing right side & bottom right half
  • Height strigil: 1.7
  • Width strigil: 1.3
  • Convex strigil: yes
  • Height head: 4.6
  • Width nose bottom: .9
  • H shoulder-waist: 4
  • Type shell: Strigils
  • Width shell: 3
  • Height strigil: 1.7
  • Width strigil: 1.3
  • Convex: yes
  • Width fascia: .9
  • Torus or flat: 2 fillets
  • Height antefix base: 1.3
  • Depth antefix base: 3-3.5
  • Inner H cover tile: 10.9
  • Outer H cover tile: 12.3
  • Thickness tile: 1.5-2.0

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