CAVI Subject: A: maenad between two satyrs, all dancing. B: maenad between two satyrs.
CAVI Inscriptions: A: between the left satyr and the maenad: εποι[ε]σεν. Between the maenad and
the right satyr: Nικοσθε[ν]ε(ς){1}. I.e.: εποι[ε]σεν Nικοσθε[ν]ες.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} the facs. is faulty; the last letter is a reversed three-stroke sigma
leaning backward.
CAVI Comments: Oddly small, casual and irregular writing.
CAVI Number: 4210
AVI Bibliography: BADB 621. — NNN (1964), Materiali di Antichità, Varia II: Scavi di Vulci.
Materiale concesso alla Società Hercle (Rome): tomb 148, no. 503. — NNN (1965),
Verslagen der Rijksverzamelingen van geschiedenis en kunst: 246, fig. on p. 244.
— M. Jongkees-Vos, CVA Leiden 1, Netherlands 3 (1972), pl. 24,1-2; facs. p. 20.
— Add.[2] (1989), 401.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)