Remarks: Raking sima with painted white-on-red-plus-black meander. Finished left edge. H roll .6, D 1.7, painted black. H main meander 9.4. H painted bottom meander 2.3.
Bibliography: Belelli Marchesini in Tetti di terracotta 2011a, p. 282, pl. XI.a
Publication record: Tetti di terracotta: La decorazione architettonica fittile tra Etruria e Lazio in età arcaica. Atti delle giornate di studio, Sapienza-Università di Roma, 25 marzo e 25 ottobre 2010. Journal and volume number: Officina Etruscologia 5. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 2011
Type of decoration: Painted meander
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 18.5
Width: 29.5
MPD: 14
Clay: 7.5YR 6/4
Paint: Red-brown 10R 4/6. Alternating red and white concave tongues.
Height top fascia: 1.7
Depth top fascia: 4.3
Height strigil: 3.8
Width strigil: 2.2
Concave strigil: yes
Height main field: 12
Thickness plaque: 1.6
Th. tile backer: 1.7
Soffit decoration type: Red, possibly with decoration.
Height strigil: 3.8
Width strigil: 2.2
Concave: yes
Thickness tile backer: 1.7
Soffit decoration type: Red, possibly with decoration.