Remarks: Female head antefix with strigil shell frame. On back, head hollowed and vertical ridge up center for added support. L strigil 7.2. Strigil-like pattern on diadem. Strigils slightly convex with raised edge.
Bibliography: Wohl 1984, pp. 116-118, fig. 4a-b
Publication record: Three female head antefixes from Etruria. Author: Wohl, B.L.. Journal and volume number: J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 12. Publication Date: 1984. Pages: 111-118
Type of decoration: Female head
Last Recorded Collection: J. Paul Getty Museum
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 25.5
Width: 23
MPD: 12
Paint: Cream slip on skin, flat band, strigils 10YR 7/3. Black hair, dots on flat band, eyebrows, lids, pupils, diadem dots and diadem pattern, earring inner lines. Red-brown interior vertical stripes, ears, earring lines, top of diadem and area above ear edge, line of flat band 5YR 4/4. Strigils painted cream, black-brown inner outline band, red-brown central vertical stripe.