CAVI Footnotes: {1} attributed to Sakonides by Rumpf (fr. d) [[Rumpf (1937)?]]. {2} fr. a:
lower right-hand corner. Fr. d: near middle (Lullies). {3} probably Artemis
(Lullies); apparently facing left. {4} Lullies: (fr. a): to right of the doe,
down: ε̣θε(.)[---, the photo in JdI showing the lower part of an upright stroke.
L. restores: εθεκ[εν], which is clearly wrong. Ibid. (fr. d): to right of the
figure in white chiton and mantle, knee-high, vertically down: hο ... . To right
of a nude man, down: οα(σονοπ ... . But his picture shows the third letter to be
as indicated above.
CAVI Comments: My readings are from the ph. Ker. 4676, where the two frs. seem to be
connected. Lullies does not connect them, thinking that fr. a comes from a
pinax, and fr. b from a plate. See also note 3 below. The inscriptions probably
all nonsense, pace Lullies.
CAVI Number: 1750
AVI Bibliography: Photos AI Ker. 4676 and 4702. — Lullies (1946–7), 56, 58, pl. 2, 3 (fr. a)
and 8 (fr. d).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)