Remarks: Full-figure antefix or acroterion with panel behind figure at right angle. Hollow figure with central preserved crossbar (MPH 7.3, W 2). Preserves part of reinforcement plaque from behind antefix plaque, painted with palmettes.
Bibliography: Pensabene & Sanzi di Mino 1983, p. 316, no. 986, pls. R, VII
Publication record: Museo Nazionale Romano, Le terrecotte II.1: Antefisse. Author: Pensabene, P. & M. Sanzi di Mino. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1983
Associated elements: May be from antefix with Maenad, counterpart to Silen antefix inv. 125614
Type of decoration: Painted palmettes/Maenad drapery
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Romano
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 17.4
Width: 13.1
MPD: 14.9
Clay: 10YR 8/4
Paint: Painted on both faces. Drapery above black hem with white meander, below brown 10YR 6/4 with EEE patterns in black and red.