Last Recorded Collection: Oxford, Ashmolean Museum: V251
Previous Collections:
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum: 1889.1013
Publication Record: Anderson, J., Hunting in the Ancient World (Berkeley, 1985): 50, FIG.18 (S) Haspels, C.H.E., Attic Black-figured Lekythoi (Paris, 1936): 262.1 Kurtz, D., Athenian White Lekythoi (Oxford, 1975): PL.67.4 Lissarrague, F. et al., La Cite des Images, Religion et Societe en Grece Antique (Lausanne, 1984): 59, FIG.88 (S) Panvini, R. and Giudice, F. (eds.), Ta Attika, Attic Figured Vases from Gela (Rome, 2003): 293.F47 (PART OF S) Schnapp, A., Le chasseur et la cite, Chasse et erotique dans la Grece ancienne (Paris, 1997): 222, NO.99 (S)
CAVI Lemma: BF lekythos. From Gela. Manner of Athena Painter (Haspels). First quarter
CAVI Subject: Shoulder: between eyes: a hunter with a spear; a doe having been hit by two
spears (in thigh and head); a stag rushing off to right. [The lower legs and
feet of hunter and front legs of right doe are missing.]
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Κυνιππος is known from the late fifth century, see LGPN ii who also lists
the present vase, although it is not in Beazley. The ph. in Bérard shows: to
lower right of the hunter, [--]λον (there probably was more at left, not in ph.
and probably lost). Above these letters, close to the right of thehunter's left
arm: six small nonsense (imitation) letters in irregular sequence, typical of
Athena Painter nonsense. To the smitten doe's right, vertically down and facing
it: καλο(ς) (the sigma indistinct). Below the stag's belly, horizontal: Κυν...,
the rest cut off by the ph.
CAVI Comments: Listed as Oxford 1889.1013, ABL 262/1. - Haspels 161: shoulder: stag hunt.
The inscription: (.)ΥΟN, ΚΑΛΟ(.) [Attic lambda], ΚΥNΙΠΠΟΣ [three-stroke sigma].
To left of the first word a piece is missing but H. disagrees with Gardner that
there was room there for another letter. "Apart from these words, our painter
strews a number of small blots in the field, which give the illusion of an
inscription from a distance, but which do not even pretend to be mock letters."
The kalos-name is not in Beazley, but see LGPN ii; the name Kynippos is found in
Athens in the fifth century; see also PA 8945-46.
CAVI Number: 5882
AVI Bibliography: P. Gardner (1893), 18[[/251]]. — Klein (1898), 52. — Haspels (1936), 161 and
262/1 (not ill.). — Bérard et al. (1989), 63, fig. 88 (shoulder, shows much of
the inscriptions).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)