Comparanda: 1475, 1473, Philadelphia, University Museum MS 1821-1823 (Andrén 1940,Pl. 23:83), Florence 81790,Sarasota, FL Ringling Museum 28.2112
Remarks: Silen head antefix with floral shell frame. Deeply projecting head, 8.5 from plaque. Back of head deeply hollowed. Round strut from shell to cover tile top, Diam 3.7.
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, Pl. 69:114; Santuari d'Etruria 1985, p. 76, 4.4.A20
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Santuari d'Etruria. Author: Colonna, G. (ed.). Place of publication: Milano. Publication Date: 1985
Associated elements: Female head antefix in floral shell 1477
Type of decoration: Silen head in floral shell
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico Nazionale
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 23
Width: 23
MPD: 20.1
Clay: 5YR 6/4
Paint: White slip over which painted colors. Red skin, ears 7.5R 4/8. Black hair, beard, eyelids and brows. Back white.
Height head: 17.8
Height face: 12.2
Distance outer eyes: 6.6
Width nose bottom: 2.6
Width mouth: 2.8
Thickness tile: 2
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