Remarks: Thick fragment of hollow, handmade draped figure with 2 beaded locks of hair painted black, falling on red drapery with zigzag fold at right with black edge. Outward curvature at bottom (over bosom?) may indicate that figure is female. Locks not parallel (W left top 1.8, bottom 1.8, W right top 2.0, bottom 1.8). Inside has finished surface, with striations from fingers smoothing clay
Type of decoration: Draped female figure with beaded locks of hair
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: no
Height: 12.1
Width: 13.7
MPD: 8.7
Clay: 7.5YR 7/6 (Campanian?)
Paint: Red-purple 7.5R 4/4, black
Condition: Finished along drapery edge, broken on all other edges