7517, ATHENIAN, Aegina, Archaeological Museum, 5
- Vase Number: 7517
- Fabric: ATHENIAN
- Technique: BLACK-FIGURE
- Shape Name: CUP, FRAGMENT
- Provenance: GREECE, AEGINA
- Date: -550 to -500
- Decoration: AMAZONOMACHY
- Last Recorded Collection: Aegina, Archaeological Museum: 5
- Publication Record: Walter, H. (ed.), Alt-Ägina II.1 (Mainz, 1982): PL.18.246
- Pleiades URI: https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/579844
- Coordinates: 37.75,23.4333
- Pleiades Coordinates: 37.7409397,23.430141
Last updated 06/02/2025 04:07:00 by . Created 18/10/2003 14:15:00 by Mannack, Thomas. Approved by Mannack, Thomas. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/462EEF7E-236D-4477-83E0-396C03088F0C