Comparanda: Velletri: Naples Museo Nazionale no. 21205; Civita Castellana: Rome, Villa Giulia no. 7383; Vignale: small temple
Remarks: Female head antefix with shell frame. H diadem 2.8.
Bibliography: Buranelli 1991, pp. 202-203, no. 21
Publication record: Gli scavi a Vulci della Società Vincenzo Campanari-Governo Pontificio (1835-1837). Author: Buranelli, F.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1991. Pages: 97-160
Type of decoration: Female head
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Etrusco Gregoriano
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 13.3
Width: 11.1
MPD: 6.2
Clay: 5YR 5/4-5/6
Paint: Red diadem 7.5R 4/8. Cream skin 10YR 7/3. Cream band on top at break.