Remarks: Small fragment from the top of a revetment plaque, with egg-and-dart in relief on ovolo moulding. H egg with raised edge 3.8, Th top edge 2
Bibliography: Phillips 1989a, p. 301, Group III, no. 1, fig. 20, pl. VII.5
Publication record: The architectural terracottas. Author: Phillips, K.M., Jr.. Journal and volume number: Lacus Iuturnae I, ed. M. Steinby. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1989. Pages: 277-302
Type of decoration: Egg-and-dart
Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium forense
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 6
Width: 8.5
MPD: 2.8
Clay: 7.5YR 6/4
Paint: White slip
Condition: Finished top edge; broken on other sides