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214232, ATHENIAN, Vatican City, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco Vaticano, Vatican City, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco Vaticano, 559

  • Vase Number: 214232
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Sub Technique: WHITE GROUND
  • Shape Name: KRATER, CALYX
  • Provenance: ITALY, ETRURIA, VULCI
  • Date: -475 to -425
  • Attributed To: PHIALE P by BEAZLEY
  • Last Recorded Collection: Vatican City, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco Vaticano: 16586
  • Previous Collections:
    • Vatican City, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco Vaticano: 559
  • Publication Record: Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1017.54, 1678
    Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 440
    Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases, The Classical Period (London, 1989): FIG.126 (A)
    Brinkmann, V. (ed.), Zurück zur Klassik, ein neuer Blick auf das alte Griechenland, eine Ausstellung der Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt am Main, 8. Februar bis 26. Mai 2013 (Munich, 2013): FRONTISPIECE, 232, 236-237, 346, FIGS.253-254, NO.346 (COLOUR OF PART OF B AND PARTS OF A, COLOUR OF A)
    Bundrick, S.D., Music and Image in Classical Athens (Cambridge, 2005): 59, FIG.34 (A)
    Buranelli, F., Gli scavi a Vulci della societa Vincenzo Campanari-Governo Pontifico 1835-1837 (Rome, 1991): 91, FIG.18 (B)
    Burn, L. and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 154
    Cambiano, G. et al., Lo spazio letterario della Grecia Antica (Salerno, 1992): PL.13 (COLOUR OF A)
    Carpenter, T.H., Art and Myth in Ancient Greece (London, 1991): FIG.110 (A)
    Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 315
    Cohen, B., The Colours of Clay, Special Techniques in Athenian Vases (Los Angeles, 2006): 232, 234, NO.67 (COLOUR OF A AND B)
    Della Fina, G.M. (ed.), La fortuna degli etruschi nella construzione dell'Italia unita, Atti del XVIII Convegno Internazionale di Studi sulla Storia e l'Archeologia dell'Etruria (Rome, 2011): 518, FIG.18 (A)
    Dietrich, N., Figur ohne Raum? Bäume und Felsen in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Image & Context 7 (Berlin, 2010): 472-473, FIG.401 (A, B)
    Etruscan News, Newsletter of the American Section of the Institute for Etruscan and Italic Studies: 13 (WINTER 2010) 10 (COLOUR OF A)
    Furtwängler, A. and Reichhold, K., Griechische Vasenmalerei (Munich, 1904-32): III, 302, FIG.144, 305,FIG.146, PL.169 (COLOUR OF A AND B, A)
    Hamdorf, D., Dionysos, Bacchus, Kult und Wandlungen des Weingottes (Munich, 1986): 74, PL.35 (A)
    Hildebrandt, F., Antike Bilderwelten, Was griechische Vasen erzählen (Mainz, 2017): 46, FIG.39 (COLOUR OF A)
    Isler-Kerenyi, C., Dionysos in Classical Athens. An Understanding through Images (Leiden and Boston, 2014): 109, FIG.59 (A)
    Kressirer, K., Das Greisenalter in der griechischen Antike. Untersuchung der Vasenbilder und Schriftquellen der archaischen und klassischen Zeit (Hamburg, 2016): 857, NO.588 (A)
    Krumeich, R., Pechstein, N., and Seidensticker, B. (eds.), Das griechische Satyrspiel (Darmstadt, 1999): PL.24B (A)
    Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: VI, PL.384, MOUSA, MOUSAI 12 (A)
    Lissarrague, F., La cite des satyres. Une anthropologie ludique (Athenes, VIe-Ve siecle avant J.-C.) (Paris, 2013): 219, FIG.190 (COLOUR OF A)
    Matheson, S.B. and Pollitt, J.J., Old Age in Greek and Roman Art (Yale, 2022): 185, FIG.102 (COLOUR OF A)
    Oakley, J.H., The Phiale Painter, Kerameus 8 (Mainz, 1990): PL.38, NO.54 (A,B)
    Pallotino, M. et al., Les Etrusques e l'Europe (Paris, 1992): 338, 398, NO.466 (A, COLOUR OF A)
    Pallottino, M. (ed.), Die Etrusker und Europa, Paris 1992, Berlin 1993 (Milan and Paris, 1992): 338, 398, NO.466 (COLOUR OF A, A)
    Pedley, J.G., Greek Art and Archaeology. Fifth Edition (London, 2011): 282, FIG.8.50 (COLOUR OF A)
    Philipp, M. et al., Dionysos, Rausch und Ekstase (Munich, 2013): 14, FIG.9 (COLOUR OF B)
    Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 208, FIG.218 (A)
    Schlesier, R. (ed.), A Different God? Dionysos and Ancient Polytheism (Berlin and Boston, 2011): PL.1 (COLOUR OF A)
    Smith, T.J. and Plantzos, D. (eds.), A Companion to Greek Art (Malden, 2012): I, PL.3 (COLOUR OF A)
    Stark, M., Göttliche Kinder, Ikonographische Untersuchung zu den Darstellungskonzeptionen von Gott und Kind bzw. Gott und Mensch in der griechischen Kunst (Stuttgart, 2012): PL.11B (A)
    Terranova, C. (ed.), La presenza dei bambini nelle religioni del Mediterraneo antico (Roma, 2014): 345, FIG.3 (COLOUR OF PART OF BD)
    Tiverios, M.A., Elliniki techni, archaia angaia (Athens, 1996): 227, FIG.213 (COLOUR OF A)
    Van Keuren, F. (ed.), Myth, Sexuality and Power, Images of Jupiter in Western Art, Archaeologia Transatlantica XVI (Louvain-La-Neuve, 1998): 25-26, FIGS.6-7 (A, B)
  • LIMC ID: 7758
  • LIMC Web:
  • Image Credits: FURTWANGLER-REICHHOLD DRAWINGS: Please consult with Williams College Special Collections staff and Williams College Visual Resources Center staff, regarding questions about publishing and accessing materials from Williams College Special Collections. Researchers are responsible for handling any copyright issues that may be associated with collections and materials.
  • Pleiades URI:
  • Coordinates: 42.421429,11.702499
  • Pleiades Coordinates: 42.419009,11.6298975
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