Remarks: Full-figure antefix of Silen and Maenad. Back of plaque fairly smooth. Scar of rectangular strut behind shoulders. Rounded cover tile.
Bibliography: Niew licht 1985, no. 81
Publication record: Niew licht op een oude stad: Italiaanse en Nederlandse opgravingen in Satricum. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1985
Type of decoration: Silen & Maenad to right
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 45
Width: 30.5
MPD: 16
Clay: 10YR 7/4
Paint: Cream slip. Black: edges of himation folds, tooth pattern on chiton near top, decoration of chiton skirt of 3 squares, upper line above hem, plaque background between legs and top of base, base top band and squares, Silen's toenail outlines. Brown-red Silen skin 5YR 5/4(?)-5/6. Red: lines on himation edge, and band above hem, hem of chiton skirt, probably bottom band of base and squares.
Condition: Both heads missing, and most of Silen torso. Heavily restored but paint well-preserved.