Building or zone: Forum Romanum -Temple of Castor & Pollux
Position: Pedimental slopes?
Roof element: Raking simas?
Comparanda: Revetment plaque Lacus Juturnae IIA:5: Phillips 1989a
Remarks: Fragment of flat plaque painted on front surface with painted bichrome guilloche with red eye (Diam 0.9), black circle (W 2.8), white band (W 4.1), black/red band. Could be revetment plaque rather than raking sima
Bibliography: Grønne 1990, p. 109, no. 17, fig. 9 right (not actually joining 87-41,3)
Publication record: Fragments of architectural terracottas from the first temple of Castor and Pollux on the Forum Romanum. Author: Grønne, C.. Journal and volume number: AnalRom 19. Publication Date: 1990. Pages: 105-117