2781, Poggio Civitate, CA24 G30/courtyard building
- Record number: 2781
- Site: Poggio Civitate
- Building or zone: CA24 G30/courtyard building
- Position: Ridge
- Roof element: Acroteria, human statues
- Remarks: Th wall 5.2. Segment of brim. Underside is more finished than upper side.
- Type of decoration: Seated male statue hat, segment of brim
- Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium di Poggio Civitate Storerooms
- Mouldmade: no
- Height: 5.5
- Width: 23
- MPD: 20
- Clay: 5YR 4/6
Last updated 10/09/2012 15:06:00 by Nancy Winter. Created 09/07/2012 10:31:00 by Nancy Winter. Approved by Nancy Winter. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/37D7201D-F6D7-4810-A07E-A3CF23D4ACCD