Remarks: Cutout acroterion of boar's body. Largest piece appears to have been painted black on top and edge. Back smooth.
Bibliography: Rystedt 1983, p. 156, n. 280, fig. 114 right (upside down); Sgubini Moretti 1986; Danner 1993a, p. 99, n. 71, longitudinal position; Winter 2009a, p. 106, 2.E.3.a, fig. 2.17, Ill. 2.13.2; Moretti Sgubini & Ricciardi in Tetti di terracotta 2011, p. 78; Winter in Tetti di terracotta 2011, pp. 296-297
Publication record: Acquarossa 4: Early Etruscan akroteria from Acquarossa and Poggio Civitate (Murlo). Author: Rystedt, E.. Place of publication: Stockholm. Publication Date: 1983 Confronti nell'architettura funeraria rupestre: qualche esempio. Author: Sgubini Moretti, A.M.. Journal and volume number: Architettura etrusca nel viterbese 1986. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1986. Pages: 137-144 Die Dekoration auf First und Giebelschrägen in der archaischen Baukunst Mittelitaliens. Author: Danner, P.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles. Place of publication: Stockholm. Publication Date: 1993. Pages: 93-107 Symbols of Wealth and Power: Architectural Terracotta Decoration in Etruria and Central Italy, 640-510 B.C.. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: MAAR Suppl. 9. Place of publication: Ann Arbor. Publication Date: 2009 Tetti di terracotta: La decorazione architettonica fittile tra Etruria e Lazio in età arcaica. Atti delle giornate di studio, Sapienza-Università di Roma, 25 marzo e 25 ottobre 2010. Journal and volume number: Officina Etruscologia 5. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 2011
Associated elements: AdT 80/132
Type of decoration: Boar's body
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico
Mouldmade: no
Height: 27.2
Width: 39.1
MPD: 3
Clay: 2.5YR 5/8 with thick core
Paint: Traces of red paint 10R 4/6.
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