7674, Selvasecca
- Record number: 7674
- Site: Selvasecca
- Roof element: Antefixes, heads
- Remarks: Silen head antefix with floral shell frame.
- Bibliography: Andrén 1974, Pl. XXXII:72
- Publication record: Osservazioni sulle terrecotte architettoniche etrusco-italiche. Author: Andrén, A.. Journal and volume number: OpRom 8. Publication Date: 1974. Pages: 1-16
- Type of decoration: Silen head
- Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Archeologico
- Mouldmade: yes
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/304AFFFD-0C71-4338-A6F5-6090BDE51C53