2345, Nisyros, mairie (?)
- Record Number: 2345
- Provenance: Attique, Éleusis
- Last Recorded Collection: Nisyros, mairie (?)
- Date Text: Ca 450/400.
- Bibliography:
K. Kourouniotis AD 10 1926 150-151 fig. 2-4; … SEG 10 335.
- Signature: <ΣΙΓΝΑΤΥΡΕ-ΓΡΕΕΚ> - - - - - - - - - - ΕΠΟΙΕΣΕΝ Î - - - - - - ΣΙΓΝΑΤΥΡΕ-ΓΡΕΕΚ>
- Artist: (zzz) - -: - -
- Monument: Couronnement mutilŽ de la base d'un monument funŽraire (?).
- Commentary: Photocopie de la notice de Peek.
Last updated 12/06/2016 15:57:00 by Parker, Greg. Created 02/04/2004 20:37:00 by Parker, Greg. Approved by Parker, Greg. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/3036FC15-266B-4611-A1DD-9B01CB19BE7E