Remarks: Eaves tiles. Numerous fragments of eaves tile decorated with geometric pattern on soffit: outer border of red, white, black, white, red stripes similar to front edge of tile, W 1.5-2, Total W 8.8; inner border of black, white, red zigzags edged on inside by single black stripe(?). Incised guidelines. Slits with lead casting (W 4.1, D 0.5) which attached curtain no. II:26. Total W of painted border 27. On taenia (H 3.2) black band and square boxes across top, red band with square boxes from bottom, continuing red stripe from soffit. Raised side edge begins 6.7 from front edge.
Associated elements: Also 10166-67/5, 10166-67/13 and 10166-67/13
Type of decoration: Painted bands, zigzag
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia