187, ATHENIAN, Cerveteri, Museo Nazionale Archeologico Cerite, New York (N.Y.), Metropolitan Museum, Rome, Mus. Naz. Etrusco di Villa Giulia, New York (N.Y.), Metropolitan Museum, L.2006.10 LOAN
Last Recorded Collection: Cerveteri, Museo Nazionale Archeologico Cerite
Previous Collections:
New York (N.Y.), Metropolitan Museum: 1972.11.10
New York (N.Y.), Metropolitan Museum: L.2006.10 LOAN
Rome, Mus. Naz. Etrusco di Villa Giulia: L.2006.10
Publication Record: Albinus, L., The House of Hades, Studies in Ancient Greek Eschatology (Aarhus, 2000): PL.5 (A) Angiolillo, S., Arte e cultura nell'Atene di Pisistrato e dei Pisistratidi (Bari, 1997): PL.8 AT 111 (COLOUR OF A) Annales d'histoire et d'Art et archeologie, Universite de Bruxelles: 3 (1981), 42, FIG.1B (PART OF B) Antike Kunst: 45 (2002) PL.1.1-2 (A, B) Antike Welt: 22 (1991) 2, 137, FIG.4 (PART OF A) Apollo, The International Art Magazine: 150 (JULY 1999) 6, FIG.6 (COLOUR OF A) Archaeology: 26 (1973), 145 (A) Archäologischer Anzeiger: 1976, 485-490, FIGS.1-16 Barringer, J.M., The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 2014): 170-171, FIGS.3.36A-D (COLOUR OF A AND B, COLOUR OF PARTS OF A) Beihefte zum Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Deutschland: IV (2009) 135, 138, FIGS.1, 5E (A AND PROFILE DRAWING) Beihefte zum Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Deutschland: IV (2009) 18, FIG.3 (A) Boardman, J. (ed.), La ceramica antica (Milan, 1984): 215 (A) Boardman, J. (ed.), The Oxford History of Classical Art (Oxford, 1993): 77, FIG.74 (A) Boardman, J. with Charleston, R.J., Cook, R.M., and Hennessy, J.B., Die Keramik der Antike, Mesopotamien, Agypten, Griechenland, Italien (Freiburg, Basel, and Wien, 1985): 215 (COLOUR OF A) Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.22 (A), FRONTISPIECE (PART OF A) Bonacasa, N. (ed.), Lo Stile Severo in Grecia e in Occidente, Aspetti e problemi, Studi e Materiali 9 (Rome, 1995): PL.5.3 (DRAWING OF PART OF A) Borchardt, J. (ed.), Götter, Heroen, Herrscher in Lykien (Vienna and Munich, 1990): 160, N0.50 (COLOUR OF A) Bothmer, D. v., Greek Vase Painting, An Introduction (New York, 1987): FRONTISPIECE, 32-37, 65, NO.15 (PART OF A, COLOUR OF A, B, AH AND PARTS OF A AND B) Bothmer, D. von, Greek Vase Paintings, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, 1987): 34-39, 70, NO.19 AND COVER. Bothmer, D. von, The Amasis Painter and his World (Malibu, 1985): 53, FIG.54 (A) Buitron-Oliver, D. (ed.), New Perspectives in Early Greek Art (Hanover and London, 1991): 286, FIG.1 (A) Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: N.S.31, 1, 1972, FRONTISPIECE, 2, 34-39, NUMBER 15 Bundrick, S.D., Athens, Etruria, and the Many Lives of Greek Figured Pottery (Madison, 2019): 8, FIG.1.2 (A) Carpenter, T.H., Art and Myth in Ancient Greece (London, 1991): FIG. 310 (A) Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 396 Carratelli, G.P. (ed.), I Greci in Occidente (1996): 92-93 (COLOUR OF A AND B) Carratelli, G.P. (ed.), The Greek World, Art and Civilization in Magna Graecia and Sicily (New York and Milan, 1996): 92-93 (COLOUR OF A AND B) Christiansen, J. and Melander, T., Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Ancient Greek and Related Pottery, Copenhagen 31.8.-4.9.87 (Copenhagen, 1988): 423, FIG.7 (DRAWING OF B) Clark, A.J. and Gaunt, J. (eds.), Essays in Honor of Dietrich von Bothmer, Allard Pierson Series 14 (Amsterdam, 2002): PL.56A (A) Denoyelle, M. (ed.), Euphronios Peintre, Recontres de l'Ecole du Louvre 10 Octobre 1990 (Paris, 1992): 71, FIG.14 (A) Ellinghaus, C., Die Parthenonskulpturen, Der Bauschmuck eines öffentlichen Monumentes der demokratischen Gesellschaft Athens zur Zeit des Perikles, Techniken in der bildenden Kunst zur Tradierung von Aussagen (Hamburg, 2011): FIGS.86, 120 (B) Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica: SUPP. II.1, PLATE AT P. 551 (COLOUR OF A) Folsom, R., Attic Red-Figured Pottery (Parkridge, 1976): PL.10A Foxhall, L. and Salmon, J. (eds.), Thinking Men, Masculinity and its Self-Representation in the Classical Tradition (London, 1998): 50, PL.13 (A) Galoin, A., Vases Grecs, Collections des musees de Compiegne et de Laon (Paris, 2001): 55, FIG.34 (COLOUR OF A) Gerion: 6 (1988) 50, FIG.5 (DRAWING OF PART OF A) Geroulanos, S. and Bridler, R., Trauma, Wund-Entstehung und Wund-Pflege im antiken Griechenland (Mainz, 1994): FIG.54 (A) Godart, L. (ed.), Classicita ed Europa. Il destino della Grecia e dell'Italia. Roma, Palazzo del Quirinale 28 marzo-15 luglio 2014 (Rome, 2014): 123, 165 (COLOUR OF B AND A) Godart, L. and De Caro, S. (eds.), Nostoi, Capolavori Ritrovati, Roma, Palazzo del Quirinale, Galleria di Alessandro VII, 21 dicembre 2007 - 2 marzo 2008 (Rome, 2007): 76-77 (COLOUR OF A) Greece and Rome: 52-53, NO.35 (A, INCLUDING PARTS) Greece and Rome: 54 (2007) 251, FIG.7 (A) Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum 6, Occasional Papers on Antiquity 9 (Malibu, 2000): 167,181, FIGS.2, 8 (PARTS OF A) Heilmeyer, W-D. and Giuliani, L. (eds.), Euphronios, der Maler, eine Ausstellung in der Sonderausstellungshalle der Staatlichen Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin-Dahlem, 20.3. - 26.5.1991 (Milan, 1991): 94-100, 105, NO.4 (COLOUR) Heilmeyer, W.D. et al., Euphronios und seine Zeit, Kolloquium in Berlin 19./20. April 1991 anlässlich der Ausstellung Euphronios der Maler (Berlin, 1991): 68, FIG.18 (PROFILE) Hemelrijk, J.M., More about Caeretan Hydriae, Addenda et Clarificanda (Amsterdam, 2009): PL.46A (PART OF A) Huf, L., Frauen jenseits der Konvention, Alterszüge, Tätowierungen und afrikanische Physiognomien im Frauenbild attischer Vasen des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (Munich, 2018): 97, FIG.35 (COLOUR OF PART OF A) Hurwit, J.M., The Art and Culture of Early Greece, 1100-480 (Ithaca, 1985): 264, FIG.113 (A) Hyatt, S. (ed.), The Greek Vase (New York, 1981): FIGS.65-66 (A, PART OF A) Jenkins, I., Greek Architecture and its Sculpture (London, 2006): 151, FIG.145 (COLOUR OF A) Junker, K., Griechische Mythenbilder, Eine Einführung in ihre Interpretation (Stuttgart, 2005): 58-59, FIGS.14-15 (A, B) Junker, K., Interpreting the Images of Greek Myths, An Introduction (Cambridge, 2012): 56-57, FIGS.17-18 (A, B) Kurtz, D.C. and Boardman, J., Thanatos, Tod und Jenseits bei den Griechen (Mainz, 1985): PL.7 AT 400 (COLOUR DRAWING OF A) Lefkowitz, M., Greek Gods, Human Lives (New Haven and London, 2003): 71 (A) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: VII, PL.520, SARPEDON 4 (A) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: VIII, PL.332, AKASTOS II 1 (B) Lydakis, S., Ancient Greek Painting and its Echoes in Later Art (Athens, 2002): 101, FIG.92 (COLOUR OF PART OF A) Marconi, E. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (Oxford, 2015): 508, FIG.22.2 (A) Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek: 38 (1982), 46, FIG.11 (A) Mertens, J., How to read Greek vases (New York, 2010): 166, FIG.55 (COLOUR OF A) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Notable Acquisitions: 1965-75, 129 (A) Meyer, M. and Adornato, G. (eds.), Innovations and Inventions in Athens c. 530 to 470 BCE, Two Crucial Generations. Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie 18 (Vienna, 2020): FIGS.3.11B, 8.7 (COLOUR OF A, PART OF B) Minerva, International Review of Ancient Art and Archaeology: 17.3 (MAY/JUNE 2006) 45, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF A) Miscellanea di Studi Classici in onore de Eugenio Manni (Rome, 1979): VI, PL.1 AT 1944 (A) Morford, M. et al., Classical Mythology, International Ninth Edition (Oxford, 2011): 479 (A) Mugione, E., Miti della ceramica attica in Occidente, Problemi di trasmissioni iconografiche nelle produzioni italiote (Taranto, 2000): 108, FIG.52 (A) Muth, S., Gewalt im Bild, Das Phänomen der medialen Gewalt im Athen des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (Berlin, 2008): 436, FIG.318 (A) Neer, R.T., Style and Politics in Athenian Vase-Painting, The Craft of Democracy, ca.530-460 B.C.E. (Cambridge, 2002): 47, FIG.14 (A) Oakley, J.H. and Palagia, O. (eds.), Athenian Potters and Painters, Volume II (Oxford, 2010): 216-217, FIGS.7, 9, COLOUR PLATES 15A, 29B (A, B, COLOUR OF A) Oakley, J.H. et al., Athenian Potters and Painters, The Conference Proceedings (Oxford, 1997): 145, FIG.4 (A) Onians, J., Classical Art and the Cultures of Greece and Rome (New Haven, 1999): 12-13, FIGS.9A-B (A, B) Osborne, R., The Transformation of Athens Painted Pottery and the Creation of Classical Greece (Princeton and Oxford, 2018): 101, FIG.4.7, PL.15 (PART AND COLOUR OF PART OF B) PHOTOGRAPH(S) IN THE BEAZLEY ARCHIVE: 2 (A, PART OF A) Pasquier, A., Euphronios, genie de la peinture grecque, Archeologia hors serie numero 1 (Dijon, 1991): FRONTCOVER, 22-24, 38-39 (COLOUR) Peifer, E., Eidola und andere mit dem Sterben verbundene Flügelwesen in der attischen Vasenmalerei in spätarchaischer und klassischer Zeit (Frankfurt, 1989): PL.9.18, NO.135 (PART OF A) Plantzos, D., Greek Art and Archaeology, c. 1100-30 BC (Athens, 2016): 101, FIGS.154-155 (COLOUR OF A AND PART OF A) Powell, B. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. The Essential Books (Oxford, 2015): 178, FIG.16.2 (A) Prospettiva Rivista dell' arti antica e moderna (Siena): 24 (1981), 61, FIG.1 (A) Prospettiva Rivista dell' arti antica e moderna (Siena): 63 (1991) 2, FIG.1 (A) Prospettiva Rivista dell' arti antica e moderna (Siena): 71 (1993)77, FIGS.1-2 (A, B) Revue des Etudes Anciennes: 99 (1997) 1-2, 57, FIG.1 (A) Revue du Louvre: 40 (1990), 330, FIG.1 (A) Robertson, C., A Shorter History of Greek Art (Cambridge, 1981): 63, FIG.89 (A) Robertson, C., History of Greek Art (Cambridge, 1975): PL.73B (A) Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 81, FIG.69 (PART OF A) Sanchez-Fernandez, C. et al. (eds.), Dioses, heroes y atletas. La imagen del cuerpo en la Grecia antigua (Madrid, 2015): 91, FIG.5 (COLOUR OF A) Schefold, K., Gods and Heroes in Late Archaic Greek Art. English translation by A. Griffiths (Cambridge, 1992): FIG.303 (A) Schefold, K., Götter und Heldensagen der Griechen in der spätarchaischen Kunst (Munich, 1978): 225, FIG.303 (A) Seidensticker, B. and Vöhler, M. (eds.), Gewalt und Ästhetik, Zur Gewalt und ihrer Darstellung in der griechischen Klassik (Berlin, New York, 2006): 230, FIG.4 (A) Shapiro H.A., Myth into Art, Poet and Painter in Classical Athens (London, 1994): 23, FIG.13 (A) Shapiro, H.A., Personifications in Greek Art, The Representation of Abstract Concepts 600-400 BC (Zurich, 1993): 133, FIG.86 (A) Silver, V., The Lost Chalice, The Real-Life Chase for One of the World's Rarest Masterpieces, a Priceless 2,500-Year-Old Artifact Depicting the Fall of Troy (New York, 2009): PLS. AT 184 (COLOUR OF A AND B) Simon, E. and Hirmer, M., Die Griechischen Vasen (Munich, 1976): PLS.102, 103 (A, PART OF A) Simon, E., Schriften zur etruskischen und italischen Kunst und Religion (Stuttgart, 1996): PL.32 (A) Smith, T.J. and Plantzos, D. (eds.), A Companion to Greek Art (Malden, 2012): II, 590, FIG.30.2 (A) Sparkes, B.A., The Red and the Black (London, 1996): 35, FIG.II.1 (A) Spivey, N., The Sarpedon Krater, The Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase (Chicago, 2018): FRONTISPIECE, 33, 43, 98, 104, 118, 129, FIGS. 5, 7, 24, 25, 28, 32 (COLOUR OF A, B, AND PARTS, PARTS) Stansbury-O'Donnell, M.D, Pictorial Narrative in Ancient Greek Art (Cambridge, 1999): 105, FIG.44 (A) Stansbury-O'Donnell, M.D., A History of Greek Art (Oxford, 2015): 263, FIG.10.26 (COLOUR OF A) Tiverios, M.A., Elliniki techni, archaia angaia (Athens, 1996): 124-125, FIGS.94-95 (COLOUR OF A AND PART OF A) Vermeule, E., Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry (Berkeley, 1979): 38, FIG.27 (PART OF A) Villing, A. et al., Troy, myth and reality (London, 2019): 78, FIG.57 (COLOUR OF A) Walter-Karydi, E., Die Athener und ihre Gräber (1000-300 v.Chr.) (Berlin, 2015): 89,371, FIGS.49, 231 (A, PART OF A) Willinghöfer, H., Thanatos, Die Darstellung des Todes in der griechischen Kunst der archaischen und klassischen Zeit (Marburg, 1996): FIG.2 (A)
CAVI Subject: A: Sleep and Death lifting the body of Sarpedon, with Hermes and two
warriors. B: four youths arming; at right, a bearded warrior.
CAVI Inscriptions: A: in front of head and chest of the warrior at left: Λαοδαμας. To right of a
spear, under Sleep's wing, not stoich.: Ευχσιθεος | εποιεσεν. On top of the
scene, above Sleep: Λεαγρος καλος, retr.{2}. Starting at Sleep's face: hυπνος.
To right of the back of Hermes' head: hερμες{3}. Above the right portion of the
scene, somewhat more widely spaced: Ευφρονιος εγραφσεν. To left of Death's face:
Θανατος, retr. Below Sarpedon's chest and left arm: Σαρπεδον{4}. To left of the
right warrior's head and chest, hιππολυτος, retr. B: to right of the left youth,
facing: hυπεροχος. Above the second youth: Λεαγρος vac. καλος. Below the face of
the second youth (who bends over): hιππ[α]σος(?). To right of a third youth's
legs: Μεγ̣ον. To left of the back of the fourth youth's head: Ακαστος, retr.{5}.
To left of the warrior, starting from the hand holding a spear: Αχσιππος, retr.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} also readings kindly sent me by Bothmer. {2} a space before each of the
final sigmas. {3} the mu painted partly over the kerykeion. {4} the delta partly
over Death's foot. {5} written from the head.
CAVI Comments: Boardman discusses the names of the two onlookers on A: Laodamas is a Trojan
(Il. 15.516-17) or a Lycian (Quint. Smyrn. 11.20-21). Hippolytos is not known as
Trojan or Lycian but the name may be an error for Hippolochos, a Lycian and
father of Glaukos, cousin to Sarpedon; he is found on Melbourne 1643/4 (see
Boardman n. 5). Boardman also discusses side B. Bothmer had noted that Medon and
Akastos were the first Athenian archons; the scene of early heroes arming he
thought was directed against Hippias' disarming of the citizens after the murder
of Hipparchos. Simon calls them `attische Bürgernamen' (in GV 98). Boardman
argues against both interpretations; he suggests an arming scene of Lycians and
Trojans. - Note that the painter's signature is much more prominent than the