CAVI Collection: London B 414, inv. 1836.2-24.261.
CAVI Lemma: Plain lip cup. From Vulci. Unattributed. Third quarter sixth.
CAVI Subject: Int.: Circle and dot. Lip: plain.
CAVI Inscriptions: Handle zone [[with palmettes]]: A: χαιρε κα̣[ι π]ριο εμε. B:
χαιρε̣τενεππστστ. [[My readings: A: Χαιρεκα̣[ιπ]ριοεμε. B: Χαρι̣τενεπ̣π̣σ̣τσ̣τ.
The iota and the sigmas, as well as the nu and the pis are similar.]]
CAVI Comments: CVA.'s reading of A before cleaning is worthless; the side was cleaned in
1947. On this type of inscription see AttScr (1990), 48 and n. 44. For πριω see
Threatte (1996), 456 and 554. Threatte (1996), 457, wrongly relies on CVA's
reading (χαιρε και πιει με) [[εὖ, CVA]], not knowing Immerwahr (1964a) here, and
cites Schulze's correction of Smith's reading in Schulze (1896), 254 n. 2 =
(1933), 715 (πι(θ)' εμε for πιο με).@@[[Diameter: 203.]]
CAVI Number: 4313
AVI Bibliography: BADB 859. — Gerhard (1831), 187/782 (much reproduced). — CIG 4 (1855–77), no.
8103. — H.B. Walters in BM Cat. B (1893), no. 414 (bibl.). — A.H. Smith and F.N.
Pryce, CVA London 2, Great Britain 2 (1926), III H e, pl. 12,5 (A) [[almost
invis.]] [[also cites Durand (1836), no. 1003, as in many entries]]. — Immerwahr
(1964a), 19/3. — Blatter (1975), 350-51, fig. 1 (A).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)