CAVI Collection: Hamburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe 1963.20.
CAVI Lemma: RF cup. Unattributed. Last quarter sixth. Ca. 520 (Hoffmann).
CAVI Subject: Int.: a naked boy running with a lyre and flute case. Ext.: between large
palmettes: A: fight: a hoplite and an Amazon archer. B: fight: two warriors.
CAVI Inscriptions: Int.: Λεαγρος καλος. A: beside the warrior: καλος. Beside the Amazon: καλε.
B: Λεαγρο[ς] καλο(ς), retr.
CAVI Comments: Ex London Market (Sotheby). It is unclear whether the whole inscr. is retr.,
or just kalos is.