Last Recorded Collection: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2278
Previous Collections:
Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2278
Publication Record: Albersmeier, S. (ed.), Heroes, Mortals and Myths in ancient Greece (Baltimore, 2009): 46, FIG.16 (I) Antike Denkmäler: 1 (1891) PLS.9-10 Antike Kunst: 36 (1993) 1, 15, FIG.3 (DRAWING OF A AND B) Antike Plastik: 6, FIG.89 AT 17 (PART OF A) Antike Welt: 29 (1998) 3, 237, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF I) Antike Welt: 32 (2001) 188, FIG.9 (I) Antike Welt: 37 (2006) 35, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF I) Apollo, The International Art Magazine: 152 (2000) 9, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF I) Archaeology: 38 (1985) 3, 69 (I) Backe-Dahmen, A. et al., Greek Vases, Gods, Heroes and Mortals (London and Berlin, 2010): FRONT COVER, 40-41, NO.18 (COLOUR OF I AND PART OF I) Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 21.1, 1620 Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-figure Vase-painters, 1st ed. (Oxford, 1942): 21.1 Beazley, J.D., Attische Vasenmaler des rotfigurigen Stils (Tübingen, 1925): 59, 468 Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 323 Berard, C. (ed.), Images et societe en Grece ancienne, L'iconographie comme methode d'analyse, Cahiers d'Archeologie Romande 36 (Lausanne, 1987): 61-62, FIGS.2-3 (A, PART OF B) Bianchi Bandinelli, R. and Paribeni, E., L'Arte dell' antichita classica, I, Grecia (Turin, 1976): NO.371, (I,A) Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.50 (I,A) Boardman, J., Die Perser und der Westen, Eine archäologische Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Achämenidischen Kunst (Mainz, 2003): 129, FIG.3 (DRAWING OF A) Born, H. and Hansen, S., Frühgriechische Bronzehelme III, Sammlung Axel Guttmann (Mainz, 1994): 156, FIG.109 (I) Boulter, C. (ed.), Greek Art, Archaic into Classical (Leiden, 1985): PL.85 (I) Brijder, H.A.G., Ancient Greek and Related Pottery, Proceedings of Vase Symposium (Amsterdam, 1984): 158, FIG.1, 167, FIGS.1,2, 169, FIGS.4-5, 9-11 (I,A,B, PARTS) Brinkmann, V. and Wünsche, R. (eds.), Bunte Götter, Die Farbigkeit Antiker Skulptur (Munich, 2004): 106, FIG.175, 116, FIG.196 (PART AND COLOUR OF PART OF I) Brinkmann, V., and Koch-Brinkmann, U., Der prächtige Prinz, Zur Farbigkeit der Ägineten (Munich, 2003): 55, FIG.55 (COLOUR OF I) Burn, L. and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 74 Buschor, E., Griechische Vasenmalerei (Munich, 1914): FRONTISPIECE (I) Cambiano, G. et al., Lo spazio letterario della Grecia Antica (Salerno, 1992): PL.9 (COLOUR OF I) Capasso, L., La medicina nell'antichita, Archeo Dossier 13: FRONTCOVER, 24 (COLOUR OF I AND PART OF I) Carpenter, T.H., Art and Myth in Ancient Greece (London, 1991): FIG.301 (I) Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 154 Charbonneaux, J., Martin, R., and Villard, F., Archaic Greek Art (London, 1971): 333, FIG.382 (I) Cohen, B., The Colours of Clay, Special Techniques in Athenian Vases (Los Angeles, 2006): 157, FIG.6 (UH) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIQUARIUM 2, 7-9, PLS.(978-980,991) 49.1-2, 50.1-4, 51.1-4, 62.3 View Whole CVA Plates Dietrich, N. and Squire, M. (eds.), Ornament and Figure in Graeco-Roman Art, Rethinking visual Ontologies in Classical Antiquity (Berlin and Boston, 2018): 133, FIG.5.3 (I) Dietrich, N., Figur ohne Raum? Bäume und Felsen in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Image & Context 7 (Berlin, 2010): 115, FIG.90 (I) Drogou, S. et al. (eds.), Kermatia Philias, timetikos tomos gia ton Ioanne Touratsoglou, Tom.A, Nomismatike, Sphragistike (Athens, 2009): 106, FIG.5 (PART) Ducrey, P., Guerre et Guerriers dans la Grece Antique (Paris, 1985): 211, FIG.142 (I) Ephemeris Archaiologike: 1977, PLS.2-3 (DRAWINGS OF A & B) Flaceliere, R. and Devambez, P., Heracles, Images & Recits (Paris, 1966): PL.24 (PART OF A) Furtwängler, A. and Reichhold, K., Griechische Vasenmalerei (Munich, 1904-32): PL.123 (A, B, I) Gagarin, M. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome (Oxford, 2010): VOLUME 1, 5 (I) Gehrig, U., Greifenhagen, A., and Kunisch, H., Führer durch die Antikenabteilung (Berlin, 1968): PL.72 (I) Gerhard, E., Trinkschalen und Gefässe des Königlichen Museums zu Berlin und anderer Sammlungen (Berlin, 1848-1850): PLS.6-7 Geroulanos, S. and Bridler, R., Trauma, Wund-Entstehung und Wund-Pflege im antiken Griechenland (Mainz, 1994): FIG.107 (COLOUR OF I) Graen, D. (ed.), Tod und Sterben in der Antike, Grab und Bestattung bei Ägyptern, Griechen, Etruskern und Römern (Stuttgart, 2011): 247, FIG.106 (I) Greifenhagen, A., Griechische Götter (Berlin, 1968): FIGS.26, 44 (PART OF A) Grimm, G., Von der Liebe zur Antiken Welt, Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie (Mainz, 2005): INSIDE FRONT AND BACK COVERS, 98, FIG.9 (COLOUR OF I) Grmek, M. and Gourevitch, D., Les maladies dans l'art antique (1998): 69, FIG.32 (DRAWING OF I) Hedreen, G., The Image of the Artist in Archaic and Classical Greece, Art, Poetry, and Subjectivity (Cambridge, 2016): 288-289, FIGS.63-64 (I, A) Heilmeyer, W-D. and Giuliani, L. (eds.), Euphronios, der Maler, eine Ausstellung in der Sonderausstellungshalle der Staatlichen Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin-Dahlem, 20.3. - 26.5.1991 (Milan, 1991): 245, 247, 249, NO.59 (COLOUR) Heilmeyer, W-D. et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 128, NO.1 (A) Heilmeyer, W.D. et al., Euphronios und seine Zeit, Kolloquium in Berlin 19./20. April 1991 anlässlich der Ausstellung Euphronios der Maler (Berlin, 1991): 87-88, FIGS.15, 17 (PART OF B) Hesperia, The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 89 (2020) 89, FIG.4 (COLOUR OF I) Hoppin, A., A handbook of Attic red-figured vases signed by or attributed to the various masters of the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. (Cambridge, 1919): II, 423 Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts in Wien: 48 (1966-67) 52, FIG.27 (HANDLE) Jarva, E., Archaiologia on Archaic Greek Body Armour, Studi Archaeologica Septentrionalia 3 (Rovaniemi, 1995): 39, FIG.13 (I) Journal of Hellenic Studies: 141 (2021) 41, FIG.8 (COLOUR OF A) Junker, K., Griechische Mythenbilder, Eine Einführung in ihre Interpretation (Stuttgart, 2005): 14-15, FIGS.1-2 (I, PART OF A) Junker, K., Interpreting the Images of Greek Myths, An Introduction (Cambridge, 2012): 2, 4, FIGS.1-2 (I, PART OF A) Keuls, E., The Reign of the Phallus (New York, 1985): 72, FIG.54 (I) Knauss, F.S. (ed.), Die unsterblichen Götter Griechenlands, Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek München (Munich, 2012): 72, FIGS.4.15A-B (PARTS OF AB) Knittlmayer, B. and Heilmeyer, W-D., Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Die Antikensammlung, Altes Museum - Pergamonmuseum (Mainz, 1998): FRONTISPIECE, 63, NO.29 (COLOUR OF I) Langlotz, E., Griechische Vasenbilder (Heidelberg, 1922): PL.10 (I) Latacz, J. et al., Homer, Der Mythos von Troia in Dichtung und Kunst (Munich, and Basel 2008): 372, NO.108 (COLOUR OF I) Lear, A. and Cantarella, E., Images of ancient Greek pederasty, Boys were their gods (London and New York, 2008): 101, FIG.2.22 (I) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: I, PL.106, ACHILLEUS 468 (I), PL.581, AMPHITRITE 34 (PART OF B) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: II, PL.129, APHRODITE 1300 (B), PL.676, ASTRA 41 (PART) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: III, PL.357, DIONYSOS 499 (PART OF B) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: SUPPLEMENTUM 1, PL.246, ZEUS ADD.138 (PART) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: V, PL.292, HESTIA 8, PL.348, HORAI 42 (A, PART OF B) Lydakis, S., Ancient Greek Painting and its Echoes in Later Art (Athens, 2002): 103, FIG.83 (COLOUR OF I) Mededelingenblad, Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard PiersonMuseum: 37-38 (1986) 20-21, FIGS.17A-B (I,A) Metis: 5 (1990) 1-2, 71, FIG.16 (DRAWINGS OF A AND B) Meyer, M. and Adornato, G. (eds.), Innovations and Inventions in Athens c. 530 to 470 BCE, Two Crucial Generations. Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie 18 (Vienna, 2020): FIG.3.13 (COLOUR OF I) Minerva, International Review of Ancient Art and Archaeology: 11.5 (SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2000) 45 (COLOUR OF I) Moignard, E., Master of Attic Black-Figure Painting. The Art and Legacy of Exekias (London and New York, 2015): 107, FIG.52 (I) Monumenti inediti pubblicati dall'Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (Rome, 1829-91): I, PLS.24-5 Moon, W.G. (ed.), Ancient Greek Art and Iconography (Madison, 1983): 135, FIG.9.8 (I) Morard, T., Horizontalite et Verticalite, Le bandeau humain et le bandeau divin chez le Peintre de Darius (Mainz, 2009): PL.66 (A, B, UH) Neugebauer, K., Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Führer (1932): PL.48.2 (I) Oakley, J.H. et al., Athenian Potters and Painters, The Conference Proceedings (Oxford, 1997): 203-204, FIGS.2, 4 (I, PART OF SIGNATURE) Oakley, J.H., A Guide to Scenes of Daily Life on Athenian Vases (Madison, 2020): 184, FIG.8.21 (I) Ohly, D., Die Aegineten, Band I, Die Ostgiebelgruppe (Munich, 1976): 70, NO.61 (I) Opuscula Romana, Edidit Institutum Romanum Regni Sueciae: 1 (1954) 212, FIG.25 (A,B) Opuscula Romana, Edidit Institutum Romanum Regni Sueciae: 16 (1987) 34, FIG.75 (DRAWING OF A) PHOTOGRAPH(S) IN THE BEAZLEY ARCHIVE: 9 (PARTS OF A, B, I, DRAWINGS OF A, B, I, FT) Pallas, Revue d'etudes antiques: 92 (2013) 41, FIG.4 (DRAWING OF PART OF I) Pallotino, M. et al., Les Etrusques e l'Europe (Paris, 1992): 336-337, 398, NO.468 (I, COLOUR OF I) Pallottino, M. (ed.), Die Etrusker und Europa, Paris 1992, Berlin 1993 (Milan and Paris, 1992): 336-337, 398, NO.468 (COLOUR OF I, I) Penso, G., La medecine romaine, l'art d'Esculape dans la Romeantique (Paris, 1984): PL.44 Perrot, G., Chipiez, C., Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquite, vols. IX-X (Paris, 1911-14): X, 505, 509 (I, A) Pflug, H., Schutz und Zier, Helme aus dem Antikenmuseum Basel und Waffen anderer Sammlungen (Basel, 1989): 12, FIG.3 (I) Pfuhl, E., Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen (Munich, 1923): FIG.418 (I, A) Powell, B. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. The Essential Books (Oxford, 2015): 164, FIG.16.1 (I) Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica: 45 [74] (1993) 3, FIG.1 AT P.16 (I) Revue Archeologique: 1977, 21, FIGS.18-19 (A,B) Revue Archeologique: 2015.2, 271, FIGS.15-16 (PARTS OF A AND B) Robertson, C., History of Greek Art (Cambridge, 1975): PL.75B (I) Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 59, FIG.46 (I) Schefold, K., Gods and Heroes in Late Archaic Greek Art. English translation by A. Griffiths (Cambridge, 1992): FIGS.42-43, 277 (A, B, I) Schefold, K., Götter und Heldensagen der Griechen in der spätarchaischen Kunst (Munich, 1978): FIGS.42-43, 277 (I,A,B) Schlesier, R. and Schwarzmaier, A. (eds.), Dionysos, Verwandlung und Ekstase (Berlin, 2008): 76-77, FIG.7A-B (COLOUR OF A AND PART OF A) Schwarzmaier, A. et al. (eds.), Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, die Antikensammlung, Altes Museum, Neues Museum, Pergamonmuseum (Berlin and Darmstadt, 2012): 24, 80, NO.36 (COLOUR OF I) Schwarzmaier, A. et al., Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, The Antikensammlung, Altes Museum, Neues Museum, Pergamonmuseum (Mainz, 2016): 80, NO.36 (COLOUR OF I) Seaman, K. and Schultz, P. (eds.), Artists and Artistic Production in Ancient Greece (Cambridge, New York, and Melbourne, 2017): 92, FIG.6.9 (I) Seki, T., Untersuchung zum Verhaltnis von Gefässform und Malerei attischer Schalen (Berlin, 1985): PL.16.1-3 (I,A,B, UNDERNEATH) Shapiro, H.A., Art and Cult under the Tyrants in Athens (Mainz, 1989): PL.51A-B (A, B) Siftar, L., Das Phänomen der unvollständigen Gestalt in der griechischen Kunst, Unterschiedliche Facetten eines besonderen Darstellungsmittels (Heidelberg, 2018): 115, FIG.6.6 (I) Simon, E. and Hirmer, M., Die Griechischen Vasen (Munich, 1976): PLS.117-19 (I,A, PARTS OF A) Smith, T.J. and Plantzos, D. (eds.), A Companion to Greek Art (Malden, 2012): II, 411, FIG.20.5 (A) Sparkes, B.A., Greek Art, Second Edition (Cambridge, 2011): 108, FIG.34 (COLOUR OF I) Spivey, N., The Sarpedon Krater, The Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase (Chicago, 2018): 108, FIG.27 (COLOUR OF I) Stampolidis, N.Ch. and Tassoulas, Y., Hygieia. Health, Illness, Treatment from Homer to Galen (Athens, 2014): 155-156, NO.41 (COLOUR OF I) Swindler, M.H., Ancient painting, from the earliest times to the period of Christian art (New Haven, 1929): FIGS.310, 315 (I) Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum: III, PL.35.12 (A) Thöne, C., Ikonographische Studien zu Nike im 5.Jh.v.Chr., Untersuchungen zu Wirkungsweise und Wesensart, Archäologie & Geschichte 8 (Heidelberg, 1999): PL.11.1 (PART OF A) Tiverios, M.A., Elliniki techni, archaia angaia (Athens, 1996): 132, FIG.104 (COLOUR OF I) Troja, Traum und Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart, 2001): 130, FIG.130 (COLOUR OF I) Verbanck-Pierard, A. (ed.), Au Temps d'Hippocrate, Medecine et Societe en Grece Antique (Mariemont, 1998): 47, FIG.4 (COLOUR OF I) Vermeule, E., Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry (Berkeley, 1979): 1, 427, FIG.179 (I) Villing, A. et al., Troy, myth and reality (London, 2019): 43, FIG.28 (COLOUR OF I) Yatromanolakis, D. (ed.), An Archaeology of Representations, Ancient Greek Vase-Painting and contemporary Methodologies (Athens, 2009): 7, FIG.3 (I) Zachari, V. et al. (eds.), La cite des regards, Autour de Francois Lissarrague (Rennes, 2019): 165, FIG.4 (I)
CAVI Inscriptions: Int.: Πατροκλος, retr. Αχ[ι]λλευς(?). A: h[εβε], retr. Αρ̣[ες], retr.
Ἀφ[ροδιτε], retr. B: A vertical stroke reported by Furtw., but not in FR.
καλο(ς), retr. (h)οραι, retr. Both inscriptions near the Horae. Ἀοφιτριτ(ε),
retr. (belongs on A). hεστια, retr. hερμες, retr. Αρτεμις, retr. (Misapplied to
Apollo according to F. Hauser). Heracles says: (Ζ)ευ φιλε, retr. On the foot
profile, in BG: Σοσιας εποιεσεν.
CAVI Comments: Αχ[ι]λλευς, Furtw. It could however be that the first lambda is a miswritten
iota, since Euthymides (if the vase is his) does not usually double
consonants.(2). Hauser explains the kalos by the similarity of hοραι to hο παις;
the final sigma sideways, as often among the Pioneers. Αοφιτριτε for Ἀνφιτριτε:
the error due perhaps to the fact that this name belongs on A where we have
Αφ[ροδιτε]. The epsilon of the former is smudged. Zeta turned on its side. -
Threatte (1980), 487, suggests that the omicron in Α{ο}[ν]φιτριτε may be a false
start for the phi in that name. - For the attributions see Robertson's
discussion. Ohly-Dumm (1984) attributed to Euthymides, not to the Kleophrades
Painter as R. wrongly asserted in Stele (1978) 128 n. 21. R. in Robertson
(1992), attributes to very early Kleophrades Painter. - Shapiro discusses the
name Aphrodite instead of Amphitrite, which occurs also on London B 254; and
winged Hebe, the future bride of Heracles: h[-]. - Addendum: M. Boss in
Euphronios und seine Zeit (Colloquium Berlin 19-20 April 1991) 87ff.: the
preliminary sketch on this vase differs greatly from Euphronios or any other
Pioneer and thus the vase should be attributed to a different painter who ought
not to be connected with the Pioneers. [This might suit the problem of Achilles'
name, but is it not also possible that the preliminary sketch might be put on by
a person other than the eventual painter?] � E] {1} Sosias potter. Hartwig
attributed to Peithinos (Hartwig (1893), 241ff.); Beazley originally to
Euphronios (VA (1918), 31/12, cf. also Hauser in FR iii, 21, near E.); Beazley
later, to Sosias Painter, following Buschor (cf. GVM (1921) 164), ARV[1] 21/1.
Ohly-Dumm (1984). M. Robertson earlier to unnamed painter very close to
Euphronios (HGA 228), later, to early Kleophrades Painter (Robertson (1992),
59). Wehgartner is inclined to consider Sosias potter and painter; for the
lettering of the signature see Berlin 2315. {2} However, I. Wehgartner kindly
procured for me a detailed photo of the head of Achilles with part of the
inscription. It shows very clearly: |λλευ|, with the two lambdas quite different
from each other: the first is upright Attic lambda with a slightly curved short
stroke (the top of this letter is off the picture, but I do not believe that it
was intended for an iota); the second is almost like a Latin L (the short hasta
is raised just a little bit; also it is very long - much longer than the other
lambda's bar). E] {1} Sosias potter. Kleophrades Painter, very early
(Robertson). {2} Threatte (1980), 487, suggests that the omicron in
Α{ο}[ν]φιτριτε may be a false start for the phi in that name.
CAVI Number: 2324
AVI Bibliography: CIG 4 (1855�77), no. 8291. � Furtw�ngler (1885), no. 2278. � FR (1904�32),
iii, 13-22, pl. 123. � ARV[2] (1963), 21/1, 1620. � Para. (1971), 323. �
Ohly-Dumm (1984), 165-72. � [[Brijder et al. (1986), 20, col. ph. fig. 17a
(cl.)]]. � Add.[2] (1989), 154 (much bibl.). � Shapiro (1989), 109 n. 75,
137-38, pl. 51,a-b (A, B, small). � AttScr (1990), no. 384. � L. Meyer (1990),
23 (photo of Int.). � Berlin Antikenmuseum (1991), 244/59. � Robertson (1992),
58-59, fig. 46 (Int.). � Boss (1992a), 87ff. [the preliminary sketch technique
is not Pioneer]. � Wehgartner (1997), 203ff., figs. 2 (Int., invis.), 3-4 (foot
with signature, cl.).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
Image Credits: FURTWANGLER-REICHHOLD DRAWINGS: Please consult with Williams College Special Collections staff and Williams College Visual Resources Center staff, regarding questions about publishing and accessing materials from Williams College Special Collections. Researchers are responsible for handling any copyright issues that may be associated with collections and materials.