7043, ATHENIAN, Rome, Mus. Naz. Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Private, Collection unknown, New York (N.Y.), market, Sotheby's, Texas, Hunt Collection, Malibu (CA), The J. Paul Getty Museum, 5
Last Recorded Collection: Rome, Mus. Naz. Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Previous Collections:
Texas, Hunt Collection: 5
Malibu (CA), The J. Paul Getty Museum: LOAN7043
New York (N.Y.), market, Sotheby's
Private, Collection unknown
Publication Record: Antike Kunst: 45 (2002) PL.1.3 (A) Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 404 Ceccarelli, P., La pirrica nell'antichita greco romana, studi sulla danza armata (Pisa, 1998): PL.7.1-2 (A, B) Cygielmann, M. et al. (eds.), Euphronios, Atti del Seminario Internazionale di Studi, Arezzo 27-28 Maggio 1990 (Florence, 1992): PL.56 (A, B) Denoyelle, M. (ed.), Euphronios Peintre, Recontres de l'Ecole du Louvre 10 Octobre 1990 (Paris, 1992): 69, FIG.13A-C (A, B) Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica: SUPP. II.2, 608, FIG.689 (A) Heilmeyer, W-D. and Giuliani, L. (eds.), Euphronios, der Maler, eine Ausstellung in der Sonderausstellungshalle der Staatlichen Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin-Dahlem, 20.3. - 26.5.1991 (Milan, 1991): 183-184, NO.34 (COLOUR OF I, A AND B) J. Paul Getty Museum Journal: 9 (1981) 24-26, FIGS.1-6 (I, A, B) Kéi, N., L'esthétique des fleurs, kosmos, poikilia et kharis dans la céramique attique du VIe et du Ve siècle av. n. ère, ICON 22 (Berlin and Boston, 2022): 311, FIGS.249A-B (A, B) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: VII, PL.520, SARPEDON 3 (A) Metropolitan Museum Journal: 22 (1987) 7, FIG.2-3, 10, FIG.6 (A,PART OF A) Metropolitan Museum Journal: 22 (1987) 10, FIG.6 (PART OF A) PHOTOGRAPH(S) IN THE BEAZLEY ARCHIVE: 10 (A, B, PARTS OF A AND B, FT) Pasquier, A., Euphronios, genie de la peinture grecque, Archeologia hors serie numero 1 (Dijon, 1991): 16 (COLOUR OF A AND B) Recke, M., Gewalt und Leid, Das Bild des Krieges bei den Athenern im 6. und 5. Jh. v. Chr. (Istanbul, 2002): PL.42A (A) Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 22, FIG.15-16 (I, PART OF A) Shapiro, H.A., Personifications in Greek Art, The Representation of Abstract Concepts 600-400 BC (Zurich, 1993): 134, FIG.87 (A) Silver, V., The Lost Chalice, The Real-Life Chase for One of the World's Rarest Masterpieces, a Priceless 2,500-Year-Old Artifact Depicting the Fall of Troy (New York, 2009): FRONT COVER, PLS. AT 184 (A, B, F, COLOUR OF A, B, AND I, PARTS) Sotheby's, The Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection, New York, 19.6.1990 (New York, 1990): NO.6 (A, B, I, PARTS) Spivey, N., The Sarpedon Krater, The Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase (Chicago, 2018): FIGS.37-38 (COLOUR OF A AND B) Stansbury-O'Donnell, M.D, Pictorial Narrative in Ancient Greek Art (Cambridge, 1999): 104, FIG.43 (A) Studi Etruschi: 77 (2014) PL.6C (A) Wealth of the Ancient World, the Hunt Collections (Fort Worth, 1983): 54-57, NO.5, FRONTISPIECE (I, A, B, PARTS) Willinghöfer, H., Thanatos, Die Darstellung des Todes in der griechischen Kunst der archaischen und klassischen Zeit (Marburg, 1996): FIG.1 (A)
CAVI Subject: Thanatos and Hypnos carry the body of Sarpedon, in the presence of Akamas. B:
pyrrhiche: woman, piper, warrior dancing.
CAVI Inscriptions: Inscriptions reserved. A: Behind Hypnos, not facing: hυπν[ο]ς. Above the dead
body: Σα(ρ)πεδον, retr. Before Thanatos' head: (Θ)ανατος. To right of Akamas'
shield, along the curve: Ακαμας. On the reserved foot profile, in BG: Ευφρονιος
CAVI Comments: Once loaned to Malibu. Robertson lists as now in the Market. The theta lacks
the dot. Rho D-shaped and reversed. Note the typical N, with the first bar truly
vertical, the third bearing outward.
CAVI Number: 3345
AVI Bibliography: BADB 7043 (bibl.). — Robertson (1981a), 23-26, figs. 1-6. — Cody (1983),
54-57, no. 5 and frontispiece. — Add.[2] (1989), 404. — AttScr (1990), no. 365.
— Robertson (1990), 168/34 (ill.: p. 32, fig. 7, p. 169: show inscriptions). —
Sotheby (1990a), no. 6. — Cygielman et al. (1991), L. 56 (A, B). — Robertson
(1992), 22, fig. 16; 298 n. 8 (bibl.).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/2AAFCD9F-2F43-4FE5-B9F3-3586B7D57D3F