Remarks: Flat painted wall plaque with a rampant lion facing left. Finished right edge. Scar at left break for raised edge, not equal to left edge but converging towards top. Th plaque 4.
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, p. 26, no. II: 1K, Pl. 7:21; Roncalli 1965, pp. 24-27, no. 15, Pl. X.2; Die Welt der Etrusker 1988, p. 158, B6.1.7
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Die Welt der Etrusker: archäologische Denkmäler aus Museen der sozialistischen Länder. Author: Kunze, M., & V. Kästner (eds.). Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1988 Le lastre dipinte da Cerveteri. Author: Roncalli, F.. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1965
Type of decoration: Painted rampant lion facing left
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: no
Height: 19.2
Width: 20.2
MPD: 4.1
Clay: 5YR 6/6
Paint: Black ground. Cream band, tongue, teeth 10YR 7/4. Red ground around lion 10R 4/9. Light brown lion 7.5YR 6/4 with orange foreleg 10R 5/6.