Remarks: Fragment of cuirass skirt with flaps, facing right, with arm reaching down. Hollow, with 2 holes above arm, pierced from front. Below skirt, legs painted dark red with wavy lines for pants, black between legs. Figure may be bent over, reaching down to hold chariot handle or reins
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, pp. 45-46, No. II:21; Danner 1993a, p.103 (misidentified as Amazon riders); Winter 2009a, p. 447, 6.D.1.a
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Die Dekoration auf First und Giebelschrägen in der archaischen Baukunst Mittelitaliens. Author: Danner, P.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles. Place of publication: Stockholm. Publication Date: 1993. Pages: 93-107 Symbols of Wealth and Power: Architectural Terracotta Decoration in Etruria and Central Italy, 640-510 B.C.. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: MAAR Suppl. 9. Place of publication: Ann Arbor. Publication Date: 2009
Associated elements: 16398-16400; 16395
Type of decoration: Charioteer facing right
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 10.3
Width: 9.3
MPD: 9.5
Clay: Orange
Paint: Red skin 10R 4/6, red flaps 7.5R 3/6, cream, black