Last Recorded Collection: Taranto, Museo Archeologico Nazionale: 179196
Previous Collections:
Malibu (CA), The J. Paul Getty Museum: 81.AE.10.6
Publication Record: Atti del Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia: 16 (1976), PL.101 Clark, A.J. and Gaunt, J. (eds.), Essays in Honor of Dietrich von Bothmer, Allard Pierson Series 14 (Amsterdam, 2002): PLS.61, 62A (INCLUDING DRAWING) Greek Vases in the J.Paul Getty Museum: 2 (1985) 210, FIG.33 (MALIBU FRAGMENT) Mackay, E.A., Tradition and Originality, A Study of Exekias (Oxford, 2010): PLS.33-34, CHARTS 1.2, 3.3, 8.1 (A, B, PARTS)
CAVI Lemma: BF amphora{1}. From Satyrion. Exekias{1}. Third quarter sixth.
CAVI Subject: ?
CAVI Inscriptions: On the reserved topside of the lip, Gr.: [--- αν]εθεκε ται Βασιλιδι vacat.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} so Johnston; the photo in Johnston (1990) shows a fr.
CAVI Comments: Lo Porto thinks the Basilis is a local nymph at Satyrion but Frederiksen
thinks it may be the Tarentine shrine of Aphrodite Basilis; hence a Tarentine
CAVI Number: 7591
AVI Bibliography: Lo Porto (1976), 730-31 and 955-57, pl. 101. — Frederiksen (1976–7), 52
(mention). — Johnston (1990), 463/A, pl. 78,1.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)