Remarks: Fragment of pedimental relief. Preserves plinth of hollow base (with cross-bars) for statue with finished side edges at angle, each with rectangular opening on short sides. Front has painted hook meander. Large hole in plaque between feet for attachment to wood. H base 10.1, W 29.5, D 16.7. H opening 4, W 7.3, equals lifting handles. D plinth floor 14.5, Th 1.7. Th plaque 4.5. Diam hole 1.7. W right foot 7, D 16.5 (projects beyond plinth).
Type of decoration: Plinth & base
Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium di Pyrgi
Mouldmade: no
Height: 19.1
Width: 31.5
MPD: 21
Clay: 2.5Y 7/2
Paint: Hook meander with red pendent hooks and black upright hooks on white ground. Floor of base painted black. White 10YR 8/2. Red 7.5R 4/8.