2645, Caere
- Record number: 2645
- Site: Caere
- Roof element: Revetment plaques, floral
- Remarks: Fragment with bottom of floral revetment plaque with pendent lotus bud/pendent palmette of which 3 petals are preserved.
- Type of decoration: Pendent lotus bud/pendent palmette
- Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
- Mouldmade: yes
- Height: 10.2
- Width: 12.6
- MPD: 3.1
- Clay: 5YR 6/6
- Paint: Lotus: red calyx, white petals with red bottom edges cutout. Palmettes black/red/black with white edges/black. Black ground. Red 7.5R 4/4.
- Condition: Single piece
- Thickness plaque: 2.2
- Thickness including relief: 3.1
Last updated 16/07/2012 20:11:00 by Nancy Winter. Created by Nancy Winter. Approved by Nancy Winter. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/1F44C002-41B8-4EBE-83F4-4DE90C785692