Building or zone: Portonaccio sanctuary - Temple of Apollo
Position: Ridge
Roof element: Acroteria, human statues
Remarks: Large section of striding, draped male figure, with wavy folds of chiton and mantle, widely spaced legs, painted dark red-brown, the left leg advanced. Chiton cream with thin black edge, forming central set of folds between legs. Mantle with zigzag edge, with black border. On back of right leg, at break, a horizontal black line, perhaps edge of a high boot. At bottom, part of support with top of painted volutes. Hollow, handmade. Restored H figure 1.80.
Bibliography: Giglioli 1919, fig. 10; Santangelo 1952, p. 149, fig. 4; Veio, Cerveteri, Vulci 2001, p. 57, I.F.2.1; Etruschi, le antiche metropoli 2008, p. 202, no. 6
Publication record: Etruschi, le antiche metropoli del Lazio. Author: Torelli, M. & A.M. Moretti Sgubini. Place of publication: Milano. Publication Date: 2008 Veio, Cerveteri, Vulci. Città d'Etruria a confronto. Catalogo della mostra, Roma, Museo Nazionale Etrusco. Author: Moretti Sgubini, A.M.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 2001 Veio. Santuario "di Apollo". Scavi fra il 1944 e il 1949. Author: Santangelo, M.. Journal and volume number: BdA 37. Publication Date: 1952. Pages: 147-172 Veio. Scavi nell'area della città e della necropoli: statue fittili di età arcaica. Author: Giglioli, G.Q.. Journal and volume number: NSc. Publication Date: 1919. Pages: 13-37
Associated elements: Medium size: Apollo, Herakles, Latona, Hermes
Type of decoration: Striding, draped male figure
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia