Comparanda: Cf. Satricum/Capua shell antefixes which are relief version of this painted style. Cf. also Olympia Gorgoneion antefixes from lateral sima?
Remarks: Cream fillet across front of head; hair below has wide scalloped edge from central peak, curving around right ear in 2 strands. Right ear, disk earring, eyebrows, lids & pupil in red. Scar across top & side from missing strigil shell frame. At back, sloping concave surface, painted dark brown, with very thin wall above very roughly hollowed area behind head.
Bibliography: Christiansen & Winter 2010, pp. 70-71, no. 26
Publication record: Etruria I. Architectural terracottas and painted wall plaques, pinakes c. 625-200 BC.Catalogue, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Author: Christiansen, J. & N.A. Winter. Place of publication: Copenhagen. Publication Date: 2010 The Caprifico roof in its wider context. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: Il tempio arcaico di Caprifico di Torrecchia. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 2010. Pages: 113-122
Associated elements: HIN 889, HIN 892
Type of decoration: Female head
Last Recorded Collection: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 8.3
Width: 13.5
MPD: 6.1
Clay: 7.5YR 6/6
Paint: Cream skin, red, dark brown
Condition: Preserves top of head broken through eyes; scar from strigil shell